R. K. Hart Poems

Hit Title Date Added
You Bring Tears

You bring tears that cause loving eyes to sting,
Once with my joyful girl, my heart could sing.
My eyes once had a sweet melody that grew,
Now salty tears fill where once was beauty’s view.

As Morning Mist

As morning mist clings to the valley floor,
I hold fast to the one I adore.
As the morning sun shine so very bright,
So is my smile when you are within my sight.

Scars Of The Heart

Many a dear lover is scarred of the heart,
Over a romance that was rejected from the start.
These speak to us during great pain,
Saying we will never see a full heart once again.

Places Lovers Kiss

Secret lovers in a lift steal a kiss,
The caress of lips creates stunning bliss.
A delightful romantic fog these two compose,
Two young svelte figures stand toe to toes.

Mountain Top

Mountain Top.

I went to the highest mountaintop to look around,
I climbed over moss and snow to hear the silent sound.


Maddie pulled a face that would scare the kitty,
She had been very sick and deserved our pity.
She had coughed spluttered,
Someone said try bread that is buttered.

When Two Worlds Clash

When young lovers meet two worlds clash,
As the wild ocean against craggy rocks crash.

I Will Walk

I will walk across this wide brown country of mine,
Its treasures and blessing to find.
I will shake the hand of my neighbor dark and fair.
I'll give of my blood as courage bids me dare.

I Once Had The Body Of A God.

Now I'm a fat old sod.
Too many cakes and cream buns,
Around my fat chair are too many crumbs.

Samuel Silly Susage

Come with me down to shady Bottlebrush Way,
Off Cuddly Koala Avenue one bright sunny day.
There's someone I'd very much like you to meet,
My friend Samuel Silly Sausage with two left feet.

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