Raj Dronamraju Poems

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Sherman In Love With Textiles

They came to arrest us
To force a sort of peace on us
To send us outside their self contained illusion

The Narcissus Invitation

Would you be my Narcissus?
Stare at me as if I was your reflection in a pool of water?
Not eating, not drinking, only focus on me, me as you

Diary Of An Internet Troll

Anarchy and a sense of humor go hand in hand
In fact, I don't think you can have one without the other
I don't think you can have an anonymous dialogue without hecklers
No harm, no foul, nothing personal in a controlled environment

Attack Of The 50 Foot Woman

The naked eye cannot perceive the scale of you
And at first I'd thought I'd bitten off more than I could chew
Most of the serious talks disintegrated into silliness which was surprising
The gossip I'd heard from other people made it sound as if you were angry about something

A Leaky Roof

Now that we are done with pretension
And bringing grace to bad causes
She could give her rendition in a quiet tired section of the cobweb

Bad Handwriting

I'm not a doctor but I write like one
Illegible doodles make the teachers rap my knuckles
And the snakes crawl through my fingers

Poor Todd

I have nothing left to offer
Nothing to give that would make me seem less pathetic
Among otter faced girls whose playful antics take a sinister turn
Keeping the ball away, pretending I'm not there

Speed Bump Girls

Didn't reduce speed in the parking lot
Pressed the accelerator in a school zone
Knew her for a month or an afternoon
Felt the car go into the air and temporarily lose control as it hit her

Beyond Sexuality

We were played songs that re-enforced the commonness of our existence
When what we wanted was the gleaming future of phantom metal sprung up cities
Original design - the product of a sleek, sure idiosyncrasy
It had never been copied because it had never been heard

The Conditional

Excuses made to wives, lovers, supervisors, friends let down
Dreams engineered for the safest possible outcome
I am more than a golem that shambles away from excuses
I base all my actions on other things happening first

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