Rajaram Ramachandran Poems

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#(Buddha) 17 Organization Sangha

'The path of truth is one
Not so easy for single person
To follow the same alone
But with a team, it can be done'

A Fly In A Spider Web

It was a time-tested custom,
Indians built up a system
After the parent’s choice
Any wedlock took place,

Lk08. Boons To Ravana And Brothers


"Kubera, the lord of riches in the Heaven,
One day, in his aerial car came down,

A Pair Of Points

For every action, there's reaction.
If you sow corn, you reap corn.
In pairs lives the world,
As good, bad, hot or cold.

Unity Of The Elements

It was a pompous show,
For everyone should know,
The funeral procession
Of a rich man of the town.

Where Art Ends Love Begins.

Many barriers, the Politicians create,
While the Artists go to break it.
Yes, he did break it really,
By his works of art mainly.

A Golden Cage.

'Oh, my sweet little parrot,
Tell me, what's the secret
Of your voice and beauty
That makes everyone happy.'

A Story Of Funny Students

In the good old system,
It was the usual custom,
Where teachers lived,
Their students stayed.

Cancer, The Killer Disease

Today, is there no answer
To the killer disease cancer?
Boy or girl, young or old,
How many die in this world?

Who Is Superior?

Oh! You rational animal, are you really superior,
Or, like other creatures, far inferior?
Among all the creations, where lies your place?
It's for you to judge and elevate your race.

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