Rajaram Ramachandran Poems

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A06 Appearance Of A Lady

The three girls, in search
Of wood, had their march,
Down the rough roads,
And winding river beds.

05 (Sakuntala) The Story Behind

The girls sat with Dushyanta,
While the heart of Sakuntala,
Felt a strange feeling of love
That entered her mind somehow.

02 (Sakuntala) Visit To The Hermitage

In the absence of Kanva, the Sage,
Dushyanta went to the hermitage,
To meet Sakuntala, his daughter,
Curiously as a surprise visitor.

(adi Sankara) 06 A Guru Was Found

Sankara knew where to go
Yet he walked miles to go.
He reached Narmada River,
That overflowed with water.

(harichandran) 13 Servant In The Graveyard.

Chandramathi and Devadasan
The two got up early morn,
And did odd jobs as menials
In the Brahmin’s house.

##06 (Vivekananda) Narendra's Early Years (Ii)

Narendra fell down, one day,
When he went to play
And hit against a sharp stone
That pricked his right eye bone.

(100) (Meera) The Story In Brief

MEERA (1498-1547)

The life story of Meera was shown in black and white Tamil film somewhere in the year 1976 or so. The famous actress M.S.Subbalakshmi acted as princess Meera and the actor Nagaiah as King Kumbha Rana of Chittor. Even today the songs of M.S.Subbalakshmi in Tamil are very popular. This story attracted me from my young days for the reason that Meera’s character was unique in that one can notice her sincere devotion to the Lord Krishna from her childhood days. Though a princess she was, she faced several hardships through out her life, yet her faith in Krishna was unquestionable. More than that, her captivating melodious songs in Vraja-bhasha, a dialect of Hindi spoken in and around Vrindavan, also sometimes mixed with Rajasthani, are still popular like folk songs even after 500 years.

Who Discovered The Mirror?

Who discovered the mirror?
We don't, at all, remember.
To show our faces beautiful,
How much it's really useful?

The Foolish Speaking English

To learn the Language English
To a cheater went a foolish
Village Indian, not very old,
Not so young, but middle aged.

(adi Sankara) 04 The Early: Life Of Sankara

The young Sankara was wise,
And his behavior very nice.
He earned others’ appreciation
With all his love and affection.

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