Ramesh Shrestha Poems

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सम्झनामा उनी

आज फेरी उसैले सम्झी जस्तो छ
माया मारी भन्ने ठानेको, होइन रहेछ
कसरि हुन सक्थी र यती निस्ठुरी
अनि त आऊँछिन् भेट्नलाई

Guess, Who Am I?

I bloom in the beauty of rose,
Flourish like a tide in gale,
And dwell inside the heart of,
Creatures round the globe as well.

My Sweet Little Kid

Staring me with eyes such deep,
Her innocence O' makes me weep,
Her tiny little mouth smiling, indeed,
Sure, she is my sweet little kid.


Rose Rose, I am the Rose,
I can attract and excite your nose.
Staring at my beautiful view,
I can make you refreshed and new.

The Girl On The Way

Walking on the way to home,
I saw a girl with her mom.
Sitting beside mom on a stone,
Her face so cute, clean and calm.

Poor We!

No time to watch the beauty around,
That nature has given us abound,
The grass, weeds and trees surround,
Hopping deer and the croaking sound.

Wanna Be The Best Teacher

I know I can do it and do it very best,
I wanna be the symbol of worthiness.
My dream is to, be a teacher,
And help learner, build the future.

Was It A Ghost?

Mid-Night had just arrived
I was alone in my house
Reading novel in my hand
And feeling lil bit drowse


I wonder what that mean,
Of all the rumors unseen,
When they say we are,
Far apart, like distant stars.

I Am A Hydro-Turbine

I twist and turn and whirl around
Not going further, away from bound
I twist and turn and whirl around
Making the, continuous sound

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