Rhonda Davis Poems

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To be able to know that finally I have someone who will stand
by my side and give as much as I would is the best feeling in the world.
When I hold your hand I can feel the power of the universe in one place.
When I feel your gentle sweet caresses I know whatever life brings I can withstand the gale.


What is a friend?
Is it another human being that would stand behind you no matter what?
Would they be willing to walk into battle with you should to shoulder?
Do they exist?

Here I Am Again!

Here I am again!
I just love being in my little room.
(Wish I had a blanket.)
I am safe here and no one can get to me.

I Know You Are There

I can't see you, but I know you are there.
Silently standing and watching keeping harm away from me.
Life must intercede, but guidance of a life span you freely offer.
Patiently standing in the shadows waiting for a time to be needed.

T.V. Crusing

While channel surfing the air waves,
I came upon a show so intense that I laughed.
A rather wealthy and well-fed man,
Was asking for money for God.

The Journey

Off upon my journey I must go.
To where this road will lead may never be known.
This dance of life can end at any time.
The music is always playing lightly in the background.

There Is A Demon

You don't know me.
You think you do, but you have never seen the real me.
I am not a person you would want to take home.
If you knew what was really in my heart you would run and never look back.

Where Is Your Soul?

Do you know where your soul is?
Does it shine among the stars at night?
Is it lost in the sun's bright light?
The individual stars glow in the peace of the night against the blackness of infinity.

A New World Awaits

Come with me and let me show you a new creation.
To hold you and feel the warmth of your skin against my breast as we move forever into our own time.
Come with me and find the depths of the canyons.
To taste the sweetness of your lips with all the passion of the earth would be more than anyone could hold.

Carry A Cross?

Would you be strong enough to take up a cross and carry it knowing that you were going to be hanged upon it?
Could you stand to feel the roughness of the wood bearing down into your skin until surface is torn and the fluid of life weeps onto the ground?
Could you climb up the hill of Calgary in the morning, chilled to the marrow?
Would you able to follow him to the place where good and evil entwines?

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