Richard Goolsby Poems

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A Thought

Pure beauty is what u r, From your long dark hair, To your Sexy eyes and smile, Can't help but to stop and stare.

Oh to see u walk by, Would probably fall out my chair, I would stumble over my words, Memorized without a care.


If our two worlds could meet, What a glory could behold, Would the heavens shake, And a story b untold.

For I dream of a love, That never has an end, One where we are more than lovers, And r the best of friends.

A Dream

A dream is all u ever were, A dream is all you'll ever be, I thought it would come true, But never I can see.

Your so very awesome, In every single way, A friend in my heart, Is where I know you'll stay.

A Wish

Each day that goes by, is another day I wish u were here, A day I wish u could just let go, And put aside all of your fear.

I've tried showing you, That I am for real, That im not just for the short time, Or here for some cheap thrill.

Getting Past The Past

If only we could get past,
The heartache and tears,
Of love that's been lost
That's given us fears.

Thing They Call Love

Why do I even look,
For something that can't be found,
Something that everyone miss uses,
And tramples on the ground.

Missing You!

The pain I hide, Locked behind my eyes, In which the world never sees, Along with the tortuous sighs.
Every since that moment, You stepped out my life, I stand with this smile, To hide the bitterness and strife.
You will always be my princess, The woman of my dreams, The apple of my eyes, But a distant memory it seems.

Whats True?

I know about dreams and wishes
At least the ones that don't come true
I know about forever in your heart
Well till someone gets mad at you


Where will your heart take you Somewhere the eyes can't see To a far away land Somewhere its just u and me

To a place none could find A place majestic and pure Some where in my dreams With the one I adore

The Past

You captivated my heart
You saw deep inside
You got me to believe
In you I felt I could confide

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