Richard Le Gallienne Poems

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All The Wide World Is But The Thought Of You

All the wide world is but the thought of you:
Who made you out of wonder and of dew?
Was it some god with tears in his deep eyes,

All The Words In All The World

All the flowers cannot weave
A garland worthy of your hair,
Not a bird in the four winds
Can sing of you that is so fair.

A June Lily

Alone! once more alone! how like a tomb
My little parlour sounds which only now
Yearned like some holy chancel with his voice.

An Old Love Letter

I was reading a letter of yours to-day,
The date--O a thousand years ago!
The postmark is there--the month was May:

An Old Man's Song

Ye are young, ye are young,
I am old, I am old;
And the song has been sung
And the story been told.

Anima Mundi

Let all things vanish, if but you remain;
For if you stay, beloved, what is gone?
Yet, should you go, all permanence is vain,


April, half-clad in flowers and showers,
Walks, like a blossom, o'er the land;
She smiles at May, and laughing takes


Art is a gipsy,
Fickle as fair,
Good to kiss and flirt with,
But marry--if you dare!

As In The Woodland I Walk

As in the woodland I walk, many a strange thing I learn--
How from the dross and the drift the beautiful things return,


Ah, if you worship anything,
In deepest hush of silence bend
The lone adoring knee,
And only silence bring

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