Richard Le Gallienne Poems

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The Constant Lover

I see fair women all the day,
They pass and pass-and go;
I almost dream that they are shades
Within a shadow-show.

The Country Gods

I dwell, with all things great and fair:
The green earth and the lustral air,
The sacred spaces of the sea,
Day in, day out, companion me.

The Animalcule On Man

An animalcule in my blood
Rose up against me as I dreamed,
He was so tiny as he stood,
You had not heard him, though he screamed.

The Day Of The Two Daffodils

'The daffodils are fine this year,' I said;
'O yes, but see my crocuses,' said she.
And so we entered in and sat at talk

The Destined Maid: A Prayer

O MIGHTY Queen, our Lady of the fire,
The light, the music, and the honey, all
Blent in one Power, one passionate Desire

The Eyes That Come From Ireland

Don't you love the eyes that come from Ireland?
The grey-blue eyes so strangely grey and blue,
The fighting loving eyes,

The Faithful Lover

All beauty is but thee in echo-shapes,
No lovely thing but echoes some of thee,
Vainly some touch of thy perfection apes,

The End

Tell me, strange heart, so mysteriously beating-
Unto what end?
Body and soul so mysteriously meeting,
Strange friend and friend;

The Quarrel

Thou shall not me persuade
This love of ours
Can in a moment fade,
Like summer flowers;

The Rival

She failed me at the tryst:
All the long afternoon
The golden day went by,
Until the rising moon;

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