Richard Terrify

Richard Terrify Poems

mourning dove courting

alone in moonlight

grown plump on lush greens
in cool shade a groundhog rests

rain drenched street
smeared orange brightly-flashes
of welcome

on a blade of grass

faintest light at dawn
cool air astir with the sounds

pink flowers woven

ginger cat prowling

persistent blue fly

KUNG FU master
MAN can he CHU

throughout cow pasture

bee in the clover

you went in april
i recall
as clear as
the ring of a bell

mid april morning
bees attend to blooming trees
dogwood blossoms blush

to the weeds i tend

thru spring greenery
flashing yellow brightly are

approaching storm

rain and a cool wind

Richard Terrify Biography

I am an avid fan of the haiku form of poetry trying to become and adequate writer of them. My background is in art/art history which hopefully, someday, will prove to be beneficial in the afore mentioned endeavor. Making the leap from visual to written expression is not without it's obstacles. These are my fledgling attempts. Those familiar with haiku are probably used to the seventeen syllable, three line,5-7-5 format of the traditional Japanese haiku. I have chosen to follow the definition of Jack Kerouac of the 'western' haiku which is a short poem in simple language without poetic trickery meant to make a little picture in an airy graceful way. Both Japanese and western haiku take their imagery from nature as a rule. The main goal, for me, is to say a lot in as few words as necessary.)

The Best Poem Of Richard Terrify

Mourning Dove Courting (Haiku)

mourning dove courting
tries to prove his worthiness
she is unconvinced

Richard Terrify Comments

Michael Petryszyn 06 May 2006

Richard, You have the amazing ability to say so much with so little. Your haikus are so elegant yet so comlex at the same time, often taking nature and making it speak about life louder with 3 lines than most poets can do with dozens and dozens. You have a talent which I cannot understand and I hope that you continue to nurture it.

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