Rince Wind Poems

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Known Strangers...

why did you come into my life...
or were you always there...
why do we stumble upon things...
or do we knowingly walk the way they lay...

Freckled With Inconsistencies...

Freckled with inconsistencies I am
looking for a love so perfect

I'Ll Wait...

withered in love and a breathing pain
hoping for a summers rain

to dissolve all that was once constrained


I don’t know what’s more killing…
to live or to die at the hands of living…

These days I have been trying to find refuge…

Cotton Ball...

Is it something in me that I fear
Or is it your aloof'ness that steers me more near

Have You Ever Had Dreams...

Have you ever had dreams...
Of a bright yellow plastic bench in a dark-green forest

Summer Baked Clay...

thy thoughts, my soul
like summer baked clay, I hold
for cracks are many, but few visible
in this cockled mold

Unformed Pebble Dropped...

In the pond of drowning time
I am an unformed pebble dropped
by a fumbling hand creating ripples
which don't travel far or last long

Only If I Could Write No More...

I collected thoughts even when the words weren’t around
and to convince them to myself I had feelings
which never turned me down
then she came around and I filled her with figments

Walk Over To Me...

Like a white flower found
on the bed of a deep blue sea
I lay awake as my body sleeps
lost in thoughts and in its own fascination

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