Ripuree Rip

Ripuree Rip Poems

By Ripuree
Black Lives Matter—Anthem

Black People the world over

Sane humans worldwide! of every nationality, color and creed
Who believe that all should live with relative freedom
And not daily have our right to be human absolved
By rules and laws made to keep us frustrated and weak

I eat and retain when I'm hungry
I still eat and retain when I'm not
I eat and retain when I'm happy,
Just as I do, when I'm sad.

It's Tuesday Jan.,30th 2018,
Pres. Trump's 1'st State of Union Address will be tonight
And we hear he wants to put his name on the highway project
From the infrastructure package, that is way overdue.

The economy is speeding; its running and dividing
Towards an explosive correction crash
Politricks is controlling and depleting employees
For those at the top to gain big from underpaid workers

It's clear to me that: the 2016 U.S. Election was stolen

That Trump is a master of Distraction, Depression and worse

What's the big deal with Hope Hicks' white lies

When Trump tells countless black lies everyday?

(1) If Republicans will do nothing about Trump's obvious wrongdoing and Congressional Democrats continue to act as
if their hands are tied. Then there seem to be no option for Democrat voters to get Democrat lawmakers to do better. Than for such voters to refuse to vote for anyone until Democrat leaders regain their spines to do what is right. They've now proven to be useless to us, and are clearly complicit in letting Trump get away with obvious crimes.

(2) If Muller and Rosenstein are afraid of making Trump pay for the endless crimes he's already committed. Then We The People can rest assured that Trump's second term is already approved and assured. Which, even the greatest landslide of Democrat votes will not override.

What was Ivanka's true purpose of visiting Ethiopia.
If to benefit Africa why wasn't it in the News more?
Why aren't we being informed of the multitude of problems she found in shi*hole Africa
Wgucg white supremacy colonialism still chokes?

Mirror Mirror on our American wall
Who's the most American; of us all
Is it Ayanna Pressley, or Donald Trump,
AOC, Rashida Tlaib, or Ilhan Omar?

Today Pres. Trump read the truest words written by his speech writer

Words the speech writer might not have realized how truthful they are

The Inspector General's report is contrary to what Trump wanted
Which has pissed off Republicans and Bill Bar
So once again Trump and Bill Barr are deflecting, projecting and complaining
And many are acting as if they can't figure out why.

Wake up fellow Americans and face the facts
That Covid 19 will take at least a million of our lives
And it will have no preference for Democrats over
Republicans, Blue over Red States, Christian over non-Christian

Beliefs will kill or cure you. So examine the beliefs that guide your life -especially those accepted as truths from God. You'll earn joy or pain from beliefs you hold dearly, whether they're truths, deceptions or lies. And while anyone can be influenced
by others (for worse or better) everyone still holds the greatest control over what he chooses to remain as truth in his mind.

The secret to ending white supremacy racism is no secret

In the U.S. today, some of the most foolish and fearful persons
Are elevated to the highest posts,
In politics, religion, academia and other areas of great
influence and clout.

Every minute of every day
Good things are happening to me
In the right order and time, for my greatest good.
Every day I have more than enough money

What is it about Donald Trump's evil
That cause people to love him more,
The more evil he unleashes,
And the worse it hurts those it entraps.

Mr Trump is running 'to' the WH for cover
To corruptly control the only superpower in the world.
So that he can subvert all prosecutions he is facing
For trying to overthrow the 2020 election results.

I wrote this poem decades ago, in response to loved ones questioning whether I had ambition, since the jobs I chose, they believed were too menial for me. I have edited it many times to fit different situations, the same way Elton John edited his Candle in the wind song first written for Marilyn Monroe, to fit Princess Di. However, with expansion that is 'Biden specific' I've now given it two titles.

(New) Dear President Biden! Please Stand Your Ground
(Old) Just Don't Give Us 9-5

Dear President Biden
Your intervention I expediently seek,
To correct the problem of who is, or isn't American
And thereby abolish the appropriation of continental illegitimacy To the majority of legitimate continental American

The Best Poem Of Ripuree Rip

Black Lives Matter - Anthem

By Ripuree
Black Lives Matter—Anthem

Black People the world over
The words black/blackness, dark/darkness
Have all been criminalized, demonized and contaminated
And the collective impact on the black psychic is severe
Thus we're universally self-hating, demoralized and debased.

And we'll matter to no other as a people
When we decry the images we see in our mirrors
To the point where black girls preferr white dolls over their own images
Thus embracing a fraction of another image, instead of 100% of themselves

This does not mean we should not interact and intermarry
But we should not do so out of self hate
It is now understood that there's just one race of humans
And not the many races that racist whites once believed.

No longer should we do the same things the same ways
While expecting different and better results
We must now delete the lies of race-debasing indoctrination
Even if it came from the Good Book of God

Our skin organ is filled with emotional mechanics
As well as our hair that kinks like DNA
So to predominantly perm, weave and straighten our crowning beauty
Removes true power as Samson realized

We live in a universe consisting mostly of dark matter
And without it, planets, stars, and all else would implode
So black and dark could never be cursed and sinful
As many have translated the Bible to imply.

Western dictionaries promoted that black meant:
Evil, wicked, worthy of condemnation, and immoral
And this; when internalized over centuries
Manifested as us disconnecting from ourselves

More self-destructive programming also surround us daily
Which we must transcend, by rebooting with truth
Black could never mean sin on a sun dominant planet
And in a universe where Dark Matter dominates

Any God would've known that dark energy is crucial
When black melanin she infused in prototype mankind.
Black as sin is therefore a brutal hoax; black people
To infect, disunite and keep us respecting all but ourselves.

In dark wombs all mammals are created
And minds and bodies are renewed; from sleeping in dark
Black and dark are not unnecessary inconveniences, therefore
That white and light can dissipate

Alignment to self-love must be our first line of protection
From physical, psychological and mental distress
No longer should we focus on the deflection and projections
from others,
To keep us weakened and confused.

So no longer quiver youthful black brothers
When you 'face' a world that wants you to tremble in fear
Love your skin, your hair and work to uplift each other
And exchange guns, gangs and drugs, for Love of Self and all

No more skin-bleaching black people
You lose youthful radiance as well as healing power when you do
Black is right for us, as red, white and brown are right for others
So know that! and display self love and acceptance to all.

We're vibrational beings in a vibrational field of eternal energy
Always emitting vibes, of what we think about the most
No longer can we afford to fear the injustice of White Supremacy racism for example
Since we'll daily attract more of what it sets out to unleash

So be aware of gut feelings please brothers and sisters
When the sound of a siren or men in blue approach
Know that you have the right to be free from the racist injustice of white supremacy racism, when faced with the law enforcers
Then let love for self and others dominate every space you share.

Daily attention to self-love first, and feeling joyful
Will gradually become the default you attract and emit
Until it will matter not if Black Lives Matter to any other
Since you'll always consider first; what's best for yourself.

Ripuree Rip Comments

Ripuree Rip Quotes

You cannot be the candidate for Law and Order, while clearly preferring lies over facts and truths.

Facts don't always tell truth.

It matters not who you were yesterday, yesteryear, or the last moment. What matters most, is that you like who you're becoming from this moment on. If you knew better yesterday, you would've done better yesterday. So as long as you're committed to daily awareness for joy and self improvement, all who meet you, will be getting the best of yourself.

If a God or scripture suggests that we commit acts to others that are questionable, because they go against our sense of fairness, love and justice, then that's instruction we should not follow out of fear of that God's wrath. No transcendental entity should cause humans to cringe from his own sense of morality and justice, and thus compromise our standards, than would've happened if we simply followed the Golden Rule.

There's none more pathetic than a black man with connections to white power Who defends racist friends and established racist policies But quickly condemn negative actions from those blacks Who respond negatively to the daily racism They're trying to navigate and escape.

Beliefs will kill or cure you. So examine the beliefs that guide your life -especially those accepted as truths from a God. You'll earn joy or pain from beliefs you hold dearly, whether they're truths, or intentional deceptions and lies

Communication is not done just by vocalization. Silent feelings, desires, praises and condemnation have specific vibrations that can be detected by others -without uttered words. Humans were discouraged from appreciating our gut feelings or energy vibrations, which is practiced by plants and other members of the animal kingdom, to convey desires they hold.

When the leader is reader the students will join

Stop making the priorities of others, emergencies that always consume you, which only build them up, but tears you down. They will laugh at your failures instead of returning the favor when you need it, leaving you to often feel used and abused and that life is fair to others, but not you.

Where pure and true love resides, positive energy arise to override and preside.

Disease cannot thrive in a body infused and dominated by constant love flow.

Everyday in everyway I remain aligned with the universal energy flow of pure source love.

It is better to feel hopeful that people can always change, and that good intentions will always prevail over bad, than to hold the conviction the baddest will always win. It is not hard to see that changes are always occurring in every area of life. Evolution is a constant journey, but what we're failing to see and understand is that every individual already has a mystic and eternal aspect with constant desires, which when added to the universal collective desires manifest the changing realities that unfolds.

I am looking forward to a cancer extinction, not a remission as is the common goal of most. I am looking forward to my body activating and uploading dormant genes that are cancer resistant, so that my body will forever resist any attempt for cancer to return.

Nowhere in the Judeo Christian Bible did God ever say or demonstrate that he was equally interested in loving and protecting all of the people of the world. God made it clear in his pronouncements and demonstrations that he is exclusively interested in the wellbeing and welfare of the Israelites/Jews. And any blessings allowed to others were for the purpose of they being of benefit to his Chosen People -Jews. And while nothing is inherently wrong with a mere human holding so strongly onto such partiality, it cannot be right or possible for a supposed omnipotent, omniscient, omnipotent, transcendental being called deity, to retain such base and flawed character as the humans he's supposed to be above in all ways.

We've been taught to maintain a fearful and distrustful mind for each other, than to retain a mind of unconditional, pure and universal love and justice for all. So that disregarding and diminishing our individual rights to daily exercise fuller degrees of our human and civil rights, a majority now see as what authority figures have decided for us. Consequently we daily argue for the limitations imposed on us by said authority figures, and we defend the blatantly bad actions and instructions of deities and human leaders, more than we seek to work interdependently to the best of our abilities, to enhance the happiness, peace and prosperity of our fellow human beings; regardless of what color our skin is, what is our sexual orientation, what political party we're associated with, or what religion we prefer.

It is possible to inoculate our minds from conscious or intentional wrongdoings to others or sins. But we must first imagine that possibility and know that the potential to change from one state to another (hopefully better) is an intrinsic, inalienable nature of life. Whatever our minds can conceive, can truly be achieved, is a statement that has and will continue to be proven every day. We can decide today to make purity of mind, purity of heart and commitment to applying the Golden Rule consciousness in all of our intentions, interactions and actions to and for others, as the default, automatic response we always take. We truly are the creators of our realities. And the reality of universal heaven on earth now in this lifetime is a potential that is and will always be there, waiting for more of us to decide on it, and allow it to unfold.

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