Robert Burns Poems

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Fragment Of Song—&Quot;My Jean!&Quot;

THO' cruel fate should bid us part,
Far as the pole and line,
Her dear idea round my heart,
Should tenderly entwine.
Tho' mountains, rise, and deserts howl,
And oceans roar between;
Yet, dearer than my deathless soul,
I still would love my Jean.

Inscription To Chloris

'TIS Friendship's pledge, my young, fair Friend,
Nor thou the gift refuse,
Nor with unwilling ear attend
The moralising Muse.

A Grace After Dinner

O THOU, in whom we live and move—
Who made the sea and shore;
Thy goodness constantly we prove,

A Grace After Dinner

O THOU, in whom we live and move—
Who made the sea and shore;
Thy goodness constantly we prove,

My Girl She's Airy: A Fragment

MY girl she's airy, she's buxom and gay;
Her breath is as sweet as the blossoms in May;
A touch of her lips it ravishes quite:
She's always good natur'd, good humour'd, and free;
She dances, she glances, she smiles upon me;
I never am happy when out of her sight.

Birthday Ode For 31st December, 1787

AFAR 1 the illustrious Exile roams,
Whom kingdoms on this day should hail;
An inmate in the casual shed,
On transient pity's bounty fed,

The Whistle: A Ballad

I SING of a Whistle, a Whistle of worth,
I sing of a Whistle, the pride of the North.
Was brought to the court of our good Scottish King,
And long with this Whistle all Scotland shall ring.

Lines On The Author's Death

HE who of Rankine sang, lies stiff and dead,
And a green grassy hillock hides his head;
Alas! alas! a devilish change indeed.

To John Kennedy, Dumfries House

NOW, Kennedy, if foot or horse
E'er bring you in by Mauchlin corse,
(Lord, man, there's lasses there wad force
A hermit's fancy;
An' down the gate in faith they're worse,
An' mair unchancy).

The Captain's Lady

Chorus.—O mount and go, mount and make you ready,
O mount and go, and be the Captain's lady.

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