Robert Burns Poems

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Now Spring Has Clad The Grove In Green

Now spring has clad the grove in green,
And strew'd the lea wi' flowers;
The furrow'd, waving corn is seen

Mary Morison

O Mary, at thy window be!
It is the wish'd the trysted hour.
Those smiles and glances let me see,

Lass That Made The Bed To Me, The

When Januar' wind was blawing cauld,
As to the north I took my way,
The mirksome night did me enfauld,
I knew na whare to lodge till day:

The Tear-Drop

Wae is my heart, and the tear's in my e'e;
Lang lang Joy's been a stranger to me:
Forsaken and friendless, my burden I bear,
And the sweet voice o' Pity ne'er sounds in my ear.

Lament Of Mary, Queen Of Scots, On The Approach Of Spring

Now Nature hangs her mantle green
On every blooming tree,
And spreads her sheets o' daises white
Out o'er the grassy lea

Ploughman's Life, The

As I was a-wand'ring ae morning in spring,
I heard a young ploughman sae sweetly to sing;
And as he was singin', thir words he did say, -
There's nae life like the ploughman's in the month o' sweet May.

First Six Verses Of The Ninetieth Psalm Versified, The

O Thou, the first, the greatest friend
Of all the human race!
Whose strong right hand has ever been
Their stay and dwelling place!

Duncan Gray

Duncan Gray came here to woo,
Ha, ha, the wooin o't!
On blythe Yule night when we were fou,
Ha, ha, the wooin o't!

Here's To Thy Health

Tune - "Laggan Burn."

Here's to thy health, my bonie lass,
Gude nicht and joy be wi' thee;

It Was A' For Our Rightful King

It was a' for our rightful king
That we left fair Scotland's strand;
It was a' for our rightful king

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