Robert Hiers Poems

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In My Head

You are in my head
I feel you walking about,
tentatively touching doorknobs
Lovingly seeking to understand the past, present, and future.

Where Are You?

Where are you?
Why aren’t you here?
Why aren’t I there?
Where do you want me?

Fear Of A Name

Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself.
But I haven’t been afraid of the thing, only of the name.
I haven’t felt free to say the name; for you or for me.
I have been vague.

You Have A Room In My Heart

You have a room in my heart
A room without walls
A room with sky all around

I See Your Children In Your Eyes

I see your children in your eyes,
and you in theirs.
As they grow into themselves,
they will not grow apart from you.

I Want To Be With You

I want to be with you,
in the fullness of you.
Sharing the long, slow burn
into the white hot rage.

The Necklace

I watch you; clothed only in your necklace
A wreath of small stones encircles your neck
A row of larger stones nestles in the smooth hollow of your throat
One large stone of brilliant vermillion is resting on your heart.


Icy hard hail beats down
Stinging, breaking, denting
Making even existence treacherous

Remember Me

Remember I love you
Close your eyes and feel my arms around you
Feel my breath on your neck, my mouth resting on yours
Feel my hands wandering over your body, enjoying each spot, and then moving on

Hands Like Feathers

Hands like feathers
Toes on fire
I can’t believe I inspire
Feelings like this

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