Robert Louis Stevenson Poems

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My Ship And I

O it's I that am the captain of a tidy little ship,
Of a ship that goes a sailing on the pond;
And my ship it keeps a-turning all around and all about;
But when I'm a little older, I shall find the secret out

The Dumb Soldier

When the grass was closely mown,
Walking on the lawn alone,
In the turf a hole I found
And hid a soldier underground.

Over The Land Is April

OVER the land is April,
Over my heart a rose;
Over the high, brown mountain
The sound of singing goes.

St. Martin's Summer

AS swallows turning backward
When half-way o'er the sea,
At one word's trumpet summons
They came again to me -


FAREWELL, and when forth
I through the Golden Gates to Golden Isles
Steer without smiling, through the sea of smiles,
Isle upon isle, in the seas of the south,

To What Shall I Compare Her?

TO what shall I compare her,
That is as fair as she?
For she is fairer - fairer
Than the sea.

Ad Quintilianum

O CHIEF director of the growing race,
Of Rome the glory and of Rome the grace,
Me, O Quintilian, may you not forgive
Before from labour I make haste to live?

Looking Forward

When I am grown to man's estate
I shall be very proud and great,

Looking-Glass River

Smooth it glides upon its travel,
Here a wimple, there a gleam--
O the clean gravel!
O the smooth stream!

The Flowers

All the names I know from nurse:
Gardener's garters, Shepherd's purse,
Bachelor's buttons, Lady's smock,
And the Lady Hollyhock.

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