Robert Rorabeck Poems

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Where The Angels Whisper And The Faucets Run

Copper plated world filled to
The gills with
The hard evidence of the places
I guess we have to go,

The Tattoo That I Wish That I Had

Another motor at the ribs not filling
Coiling in the cessation of the gullies
And the trampolines:

Where I Guess The Airplanes Fly

Roosters crowing in the fireworks
Produce bright sunshine
That isn’t anywhere, but flowing over
The yard-

The Bees Sting

Oh then, I saw you there beneath
The lodges in the mountains where the smoke
Purred from the lips of the woman in
The fire

The Dim Lit Zoetrope

Gladness over the waterfall where the horses
They run in circles beneath her: they make a whirlpool
Of the air,

In The End

Lighthouse mating with a Ferris Wheel,
Stayed nudity revealed to the nomadic contraptions
Caracole in their whimsy
While bicycles lay dismissed atop of rooftops

Into The Nights Of Those Christmases

Baseball lays wetly upon my skin-
Fallen like tatters from a web in the forest:
Here it lays,
This past-time outside of the parking lot

Like Jasmine In The Seances

Sleeping in the carport of the high school where I now
All of the heavens out of reach- and my body filibustering
For angels who will never learn-

The Indoor Pages

Now I a dancing while I feel my body’s flesh:
Like jam, held over- for the pursers lips: while,
At the windows,
All of the goldfish are trained indoors,

Underneath The Sun

Copper plated world filled to
The gills with
The hard evidence of the places
I guess we have to go,

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