Robert Rorabeck Poems

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Softly Downed Creche

I would give you my house: I would give you my soul:
Just how unhappy are you, Sharon: Sharon- If I could make you

The Vast And Infinite Sky

I have hurt myself again
While the herds of sharks come to look up through the
Impervious versions of waves where the mariposas are dancing
Like untouchable girlfriends;

For Good And All Night

Burned into the reasons of being, all the old words fit
Into the new graves:
The infinites wake up cooing like eager gas tanks;
And your breasts I wonder how it feels to feed under the old

Headstrong Shores

Sharon, you don’t live here: where do you live-
While our days wake up together, breathing in teams like goldfish
Who don’t know who we are;
And they are digging up all of the deeper swing-sets because


I pour liquor in my car for the last poem of evening:
I have no idea where my mother has gone,
Or why the wind is moaning; but the same old vicissitudes
Have out,

For All Of This Time

All of these times filibuster my lunchmeats and my sister
Wishes that she was bought out by now, and now the yellow sun
Kills through the bluest skies;
And if I had a stream then it led to your bedroom, and all of the night

These Sweetest

Alma, the planets move and the make love beneath their
Windows. As I know that you have made love, while my bowels move,
While other people get married and have sex;
And the wind breathes and evaporates, as if just for a second it knew:

How You Might Cry For Me

Oh god- why even try to record what I m doing:
If I am failing as the sky is looming then what, of what am I doing:
In the prettily worded lips of high school,
While the city bastions, whole the monkeys rest their wings momentarily upon

For Nothing But

The city cries as it is gone, and I am coming into this world:
I who have two sisters:
I who have been to this Disney World: Disney World of senior
Trips, what were they teaching us:

Yet Sweet Harems

While all of the fruits of its body pours
We have been drinking the stock of our friends, while the rainbows
Curse into the flight paths of mariposas the very bitterest of

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