Robert Rorabeck Poems

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The Steepening Hillsides

Jaundiced by the pinafores and the pain:
Here I go running again,
With or without the paths up through the nosebleeds
Of tourists,

The Lees Of The Airports

Cheapening in an amphitheatre outside of
The truants smoke the detritus of paper airplanes;
And they swim in daylight

The Many Lives Of Inconsequential Things

It so happens that the places that we go all turn around,
Like gawkers smacking their lips at the fastly shooting umbrae
Of fireworks in the
Skies- Both over Mexico,

The Brownness Of His Unwise Sea

My body does not know the places that your body rests:
The wishing wells, the oasis’s-
When you lay down beside him- Alma, what is it that you know:
How has it become official:

The Trees' Elbows' Song

In the trees
There are elbows
And they grow
Real long

Our Long Lost Places

A red dragon of fireworks smiling lusciously tongued:
Giving clues to the out of work helpers-
The men who pass the green smoke underneath the overpasses
As it rains

Fading Rainbows

Its so hard to begin with
The pronoun that could be
A dog,
A ba$tard,

The Liver

Mostly it’s the liver involved.
He takes one for the Gipper.
He boos the pretty boys wooing from
Their stalls,

Ladies In Waiting

Beginning to grow beautiful-
Metamorphosed by my letters and drinking
Getting to be frenetic and daubed,

I Suppose We All Must....

Stacked against me,
I suppose we all must die,
But I have a nasty trick of taking a whole
Lot of ba$tards with me before I go-

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