Robert Rorabeck Poems

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What I Am Looking For

The day has no attention, nor attributes anything to
The housewives thought that I should begin the day each morning
Starting out filing in the crenellated shadows

The Little Things That Can Almost Kill

Tonight feeling the tiny coral snake’s gargantuan breath
Seething like bobby pins underneath the unearthed titanic:
That thing called sky or like a witch’s spell
Unspecified; and it almost seemed real, the way she was

Into Another Far Off And Lycanthropic Night

Sickness swimming in its caesuras; its beautiful
Absences where the living go beneath the swirling horizon,
Are very well forgotten:
This sea like the incrimination of stones;

Just Some More Thoughts

It hurts to bum, and to disappoint them saints:
I’m out of better words, out in the graveyard of disenfranchised
And this is early morning: my parents are gone,

Of Baseball Players And Really Lucky Genies

It hurts to look myself in the eye
Of gray eyed mirrors;
Hurts to come again on valentines while
You’ve been playing baseball.

The Fake Diamond Tabernacles Of Being Your Friend

I’ve been doing it so wrong, needing more
Liquor to propagate my unwholesome song, going the
Long ways around my lake, around the river,
Feeding my liver to the fish and

The Cats In The Cinderblocks Cleaning Their Young

How to begin something else anew without seeming
To be disillusioned:
I remember attending college many years ago
In the middle of central Florida, but a little ways up the road:

In A Deeply Sated Creche Against The Eves

Now today maybe my face is almost pure like
A butterfly demured into the forests in the far underground
Into Mexico:

The Muse Of My

Done again with your ablutions up against
The lakes that some rich man dug:
Up again and the dunes all around you, the cantankerous
Hyphens peppered by loons:

The Muse Of My Eternal Stories

Done again with your ablutions up against
The lakes that some rich man dug:
Up again and the dunes all around you, the cantankerous
Hyphens peppered by loons:

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