Robert Rorabeck Poems

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The Sheep Of Angels

Continents of love and now lions- I’ll find
Away, while I’ve just been starting out underneath the
Halos of starless forests, while the foxes have been leaping,
Busy mouthed,

The Hunger Of Songbirds

Embossed with these parapets of
Perpetually, so nothing ever has to go down,
But these songs:

Down His Path

Loneliness over the yellowing adobe of
A teacher’s hovel- the street winds from here:
It goes to your house,
Where you lay browned bodied with your children

The Visions Of Another's Looking Glass

May the day lighten over my estrangements and
Prove me in more ways unreal-
May the ocean curl over these abusements and take
Away how I feel-

The Wishes That Lingered

Comely failures who fade in time,
Bent with her soft skirts, brown stems in
The street-
What ribbon of what handlebar do you come


No perfumes at nighttime- the house does not
Proceed, does not lie yellow
Spangles of family against family- does not
Read by the luminescent lights

Heirlooms Of Another Life

I have done nothing wrong-
But this is the curse of the proceeding afternoon:
Looking up through the horoscopes of
Peeling, soft-brown yards- strictly speaking:

The Night Of Our Predestined Architecture

What have I finally done wrong
Muse of shells and hourglasses- how will finally
Fill up again after the rain,
As the weather come down again

My Useless Senses

What have I finally done wrong
Muse of shells and hourglasses- how will finally
Fill up again after the rain,
As the weather come down again

Your Intangible Amusements

Lions underneath the airplanes
And other toys-
The knights started out but got distracted,
Such as this:

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