Robert William Service Poems

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A beggar in the street I saw,
Who held a hand like withered claw,
As cold as clay;
But as I had no silver groat

A Canvas For A Crust

Aye, Montecelli, that's the name.
You may have heard of him perhaps.
Yet though he never savoured fame,
Of those impressionistic chaps,

Bessie's Boil

Says I to my Missis: "Ba goom, lass! you've something I see, on your mind."
Says she: "You are right, Sam, I've something. It 'appens it's on me be'ind.
A Boil as 'ud make Job jealous. It 'urts me no end when I sit."
Says I: "Go to 'ospittel, Missis. They might 'ave to coot it a bit."

Your Poem

My poem may be yours indeed
In melody and tone,
If in its rhythm you can read
A music of your own;


Let us have birthdays every day,
(I had the thought while I was shaving)
Because a birthday should be gay,
And full of grace and good behaving.

A Song Of Sixty-Five

Brave Thackeray has trolled of days when he was twenty-one,
And bounded up five flights of stairs, a gallant garreteer;
And yet again in mellow vein when youth was gaily run,
Has dipped his nose in Gascon wine, and told of Forty Year.

Canine Conversation

If dogs could speak, O Mademoiselle,
What funny stories they could tell!
For instance, take your little "peke,"
How awkward if the dear could speak!

A Verseman's Apology

Alas! I am only a rhymer,
I don't know the meaning of Art;
But I learned in my little school primer
To love Eugene Field and Bret Harte.

A Plea

Why need we newer arms invent,
Poor peoples to destroy?
With what we have let's be content
And perfect their employ.

Young Mother

Her baby was so full of glee,
And through the day
It laughed and babbled on her knee
In happy play.

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