Rochelle Solorzano

Rochelle Solorzano Poems


Today I died a thousand deaths.
I drowned in my tears of pain.
When I saw you in his arms,
It drove me insane.

The Best Poem Of Rochelle Solorzano


Today I died a thousand deaths.
I drowned in my tears of pain.
When I saw you in his arms,
It drove me insane.

His fingers grazed your cheek
And it made me feel so weak.
My world spun and broke,
As I saw his fingers begin to stroke.

I will never forget you,
I will never try to.
Don't push me away,
I want to stay.

You don't understand!
You're embedded in my brain,
You're always with me...
You're like a growing flame!

I always die a horrible death when I see the lies
And all of our broken ties.
You can't see the truth...
Maybe it's 'cuz we're still in the bloom of youth...

Naive I am
Whishing upon shooting stars.
My dreams of you aren't true.
It will never just be me and you.

Why watch and die every time?
I should move on.
I should find someone else
And not be withdrawn.

I should find a new dawn
To wake me from the night.
No more death when I see you,
I'll find a vaccine for your type of flu.

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