Rommel Mark Dominguez Marchan Poems

Hit Title Date Added
***** Earth In Figurative Atmosphere

The earth is a poem
dust of word from soil
comma of rustling river
moving like sentences

*banana -The Fruit Of Life

to SUMIFRU M.I.S dept., Agot Bamboa, Edlyn Englis, Rodge Mendoza, Sir Paul and Sir Dave, and the SEGATOKA Fighters, Sir Cobra, Likoy, Bigboy APOLAN, and Ernesto Depamallo and
Bebeng.Maam Pepay, Geofrey and Long -long. The REMEDIOS FARM TRACTOR, Romeo Atienza proprietor and Junryl Atienza chief operator
and to my wife Argee who once lived with this fruit of life as MIS Com Engr. /
and the toiling hand of all..........................

*great Wall In China

I have seen the brick wall
face to face
the ancient hollowblocks sprawled
against an embankment

Poem Hunter

Surf cyber net
Browse up high
Click mouse face
Touch Microsoft eye

* Mother-Son Unbroken Cord

for my mother

I am clueless how brave you are
while conceiving me as mysterious infinitesimal cell at first

*politician's Obsessions 2010 Phils. Setting

He runs for the poor
his hearts bleeding for the people
he wants to serve for nation's interests

* Dubai.............Ff-7 Reflex Room Reflection

Dead nails are unafraid
of the boiling reflex water

like the FF-7 calibre nerves

*my Fetus Oh My Child

(for my 3 weeks fetus inside my wife's womb, thanks for the ultra sound)

I have seen you clinging inside
I have reminisced the path of our life - one blood line in other time

Are you a writer?
(Are you asking me?)
I am asking you
Are you a writer?

**********saddam Hussein In New Iraq

He was the dictator
in the old Iraq
the once fertile
the abandoned garden

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