Rommel Mark Dominguez Marchan Poems

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However strong the earth is
It is not strong enough
When the weight of the clouds gives up

Love ***** Precious Wife

Wealth is power
Knowledge is influence
They can sweep down mountains

Prayer ***** Power Of Prayer

Up fighting all odds in life
Needs spiritual strenght awake
Against emotional physical upheavals
In daily struggle wide

Roadtrip ***** The Traveller

There are places that a traveller
can ever remember.
The Luneta Park's crawling grasses
where I lay down to witness strange faces

Disaster ***** World's Catasthrophic End

At times
when our dwelling earth
itself is burdened
as if the roof of

Spiritual ***** The Bem's Dorm

(bachelor of evangelical ministry student's dormitory)

Here gathered young
eminent brave men,

Nostalgia ***** Miles Away From Home

i travel somewhere
mile away
from home

Not Poetry...Communist State Govt. Form

In political science, a Communist state is a state with a form of government characterized by single-party rule[citation needed] of a Communist party and a professed allegiance to a communist ideology as the guiding principle of the state. Communist states may have several legal political parties, but the Communist party is usually granted a special or dominant role in government, [citation needed] often by statute or under the constitution. Consequently, the institutions of the state and of the Communist party become intimately entwined, such as in the development of parallel institutions.

While almost all claim lineage to Marxist thought, there are many varieties of Communist states, with indigenous adaptions. For Marxist-Leninists, the state and the Communist Party claim to act in accordance with the wishes of the industrial working class; for Maoists, the state and party claim to act in accordance to the peasantry. Under Deng Xiaoping, the People's Republic of China proclaimed a policy of 'socialism with Chinese characteristics.' In most Communist states, governments assert that they represent the democratic dictatorship of the proletariat.

. Fresh Dawn Exercise

A fresh dawn writing
is an exercise for the brain
it stretches mind muscles
in writing awesome poems


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