Ronald Munodawafa

Ronald Munodawafa Poems

Mai, my beloved sister
Growing up with no father
Being raised by no mother
Must have been hard for you

The Best Poem Of Ronald Munodawafa

My Speech At My Mother's Funeral

Mai, my beloved sister
Growing up with no father
Being raised by no mother
Must have been hard for you

I know you don't see my love quite often
But sometimes I wish you could look inside of me
What I saw happening to you was the worst for me
And the memories still haunt me today

Her thick black belt still causes fear in me
It is the snake that bit you on your legs
When all you wore were the same old rags
As she would laugh till I ran away

Her loud screams still get the best of me
All I know is what she did had no good intent
'Cause I could hear you cry till you were silent
Surely my mother was a witch

I will not lie that I respect the spirits
'Cause it would only make the pain worse
And living after this would only be a curse
So pardon me if I offend

But no one can ever reach
The love I have for you, my sister
And no one can ever stand
All the wounds and open blisters
For it is only you who was strong enough
To carry me through the infested rivers
And it is only you, again, who was strong enough
To keep me warm when you shivered

Now, that demon possessed woman is gone
I can show you that you were never alone
That is why I am telling you today, Mai
It is freedom day, open your wings and fly

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