Roxanne Dubarry Poems

Hit Title Date Added
All To Jesus I Surrender

'All to Jesus my precious savior! I surrender all.'***

O All to Jesus You are my precious savior and I willing surrender All! And all of my habitually darkened sins that I have used to Pollute my very own mind! This time and every time I freely cast At your feet! 'As I fall on my knees with my face to the rising sun! O Lord have mercy on me! ' O Lord Jesus please be merciful to Me a poor re-pendant sinner! And precious Jesus please take me By your hand and lead me unto your heavenly promise land!

Color Blind

Alas true love is color blind and it steams from deep within!
And it fails to judge merely by the color of a person's skin!
For our Lord God looks at the inward and not the outward
Person! True contentment seeks shelter from deep within!

May God Still Bless America!

O May God still bless America! More severe judgments have not Befallen upon thee! Because of your righteous people, who some Day shall shine more brightly than the sun. Have neither forsaken thee nor neglected to also continue faithfully praying for thee! Remember way back when you used to be, 'The land of the free and the home of the brave? ' And you have become a violent and

racially divided nation. You have become divided into red states and also into blue states! Time has finally come for thee to learn your badly needed lessons before it is much too late. And thereby you have already sealed your inevitable date and your demise! You criticize other nations for their lack of human rights! But what

Whenever I Feel All Alone And Blue

OH! My dearest Savior and very closet friend
It is whenever I feel all alone in the world
And filled with sadness and darkest despair
I stretched forth my mind's eye and search

Thy Word Is A Lamp Unto My Feet And A Light Unto My Path!

OH My Dearest Lord Jesus Christ! Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and an a light unto my path! Even amidst the stormiest of days and the darkness of the night! I never need to ever become afraid, for Ye will lead me and guide me for now and for always!

OH! My B

For Jesus Christ It Was A Labor Of Love!

For Jesus Christ it was a labor of love!
For Jesus Christ it was a labor of love!
For Jesus Christ it was a labor of love!

Place Your Hopes On God

People may be thinking that God has abandoned the people of Afghanistan! Because of the horrendous and murderous actions of a jihadist group known as the Taliban! They are beheading American collaborates and their families.

Roxanne Lea Dubarry

Roxanne, You Gave Youself A Job.

'When no one else would give you a job or hire you, Roxanne, you gave yourself one! ' My friend S. Z. told me very recently. And she was speaking the utter most truth!

What type of job was she speaking about? Certainly not one that involved financial blessings in the form of a weekly or bi-weekly paycheck? No, it came in the form of COVID-19 federal stimulus checks instead!

Praise Be Our Lord Hallelujah!

Praise be our Lord! Hallelujah!
Praise be our Lord! Hallelujah!
Praise be our Lord! Hallelujah!

Praise Be Our Lord Jesus Christ Hallelujah!

Praise be our Lord Jesus Christ! Hallelujah!
Praise be our Lord Jesus Christ! Hallelujah!
Praise be our Lord Jesus Christ! Hallelujah!

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