Roxanne Dubarry Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Praise Be The Lord! Alleluia!

Praise be the Lord! Alleluia!
Praise be the Lord! Alleluia!
Praise be the Lord! Alleluia!
Praise be the Lord! Alleluia!

Amazing Love It Is Our Stories!

OH! Amazing Love It Is Our Stories!
All about the Love of Jesus who died
For all of our sins at Calvary! And
Because He has risen from the

The Light Of The World Is Jesus!

OH! The Light of the World is Jesus Christ! Alleluia!
OH! Jesus Christ is the Light of the World! Alleluia!
OH! The Light of the Word is Jesus Christ! Alleluia!
OH! Jesus Christ is the Light of the World! Alleluia!

The Light Shines Amidst The Darkness Of The Night

OH! The Light shines amidst the Darkness of the Night!
OH! Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is the way, the truth and the light!
OH! The Light shines amidst the Darkness of the Light!
OH! Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is the pathway leading

Praise Be The Lord! Hallelujah!

Praise be the Lord! Hallelujah!
Praise be the Lord! Hallelujah!
Praise be the Lord! Hallelujah!

What A Wonderful World This Would Be.

"What a wonderful world this would be."
"What a wonderful world this would be."
"What a wonderful world this would be.

Why Not Pray For The Coronavirus To Go Away?

He is still the most powerful God who parted both the
Red Sea and the Jordan River for the children of Israel
to pass over.He is the same only God who saved Noah and
his immediate family.He rescued Lot and part of his

Why Not Try By Living Your Life For An Audience Of One?

"Why not try by living your life for an audience of one? Gordon Robertson.

"Why not try by living your life for an
audience of one? Why not try dancing for

Did You Ever Ask God Why?

Did you ever ask God why little hungry children
and their parents cry from hunger? Did you ever
ask God why does God let people run around with
no clothes on? Why does God not shoe the

If You Abide In Jesus Christ.

If you abide in Jesus Christ, he will faithfully promise to.
Always abide in you. If by chance you go astray. Taking
dangerous chances by going your own way. Like a father
seeking a prodigal child, he will run to welcome you

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