Roxanne Dubarry Poems

Hit Title Date Added
October 4,2016

I turned sixty two years old this year.
Growing older. I do not focus on my fears.
Continue trusting. Jesus Christ for the
remainder of my earthly life.

Be Careful What Words You Say

Using racial slurs and other
derogatory comments are not okay.
I frequently have criticized Donald
Trump, I freely do say. It does not

My Personal Perceptions.

Using racial slurs and other
derogatory comments are not okay.
I frequently have criticized Donald
Trump, I freely do say.

All Saints Day

I freely admit I know practically nothing about
this Christian holiday.
It is the special day to honor saints!
The Catholic Church knows more about

Let Us Keep The Faith!

I freely admit I know practically nothing about
this Christian holiday.
It is the special day to honor saints!
The Catholic Church knows more about

Happy Thanksgiving 2016

'Count your many Thanksgiving blessings, and name them one by one.
And you will be grateful for what Jesus Christ, God's only
begotten Son has done.

Blessed Thanksgiving Day 2016

'Count your many Thanksgiving blessings, and name them one by one.
And you will be grateful for what Jesus Christ, God's only
begotten Son has done.

Merry Christmas 2016!

December 25th is the day the faith community
honors the birth of the Christ Child
born in a manager in the city of David's
birth- Bethlehem Judah!

What Can I Give You?

From the very start,
what more can I give
unto you, but my
sinful heart?

My Poetic Journey Since 2013

Obviously, I have been on a continuous
poetic journey, on this website,
since 2013. It is currently
December 21,2016!

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