Roxanne Dubarry Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Christianity Is A Relationship With Our Lord Jesus Christ!

Jesus Christ calls us first individually,
And sometimes collectively to have a relationship.
With all of us who seek him, we shall find him,
When we shall search for him with all of our hearts.

Righteousness Exalts A Nation

'Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people, ' Proverbs 14: 34 NIV***

'Choose this day whom ye shall serve...but as for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.' Joshua 24: 15 KJV ***

The Wicked Shall Never Prosper But The Righteous Will

The light of the righteous shines brightly,
but the lamp of the wicked is snuffed out.
Pride only breeds quarrels,
but wisdom is found in those who take advice.

Before You Speak...Think!

'T-is it true? ...
H-is it helpful? ...
I- is it inspiring? ...
N-is it necessary? ...

Patience Is A Much Needed Virtue Today!

Patience is a much-needed virtue today.
What more can I say?
Just because you can take a free
right-hand turn at a red traffic light,

Freedom To Choose

Freedom to chose does not necessarily mean a pregnant
woman's right to Have an abortion of her unborn children.
It can also mean the personal right to choose
Wrong from right.

Autumn's Child # 5

Autumn's child is as free as the gentle autumn's wind
softly blowing through her hair.Filling her heart
and mind with peaceful poetic thoughts so sublime.
She is not wasting her valuable time spinning

God Is

God is in the sunshine and god is in the rain.
God is in the clouds and in his summer's sky.
God always is there to listen to a small child's
Bedtime prayers.

You Have To Be Carefully Taught

Why do you have to be carefully taught to learn how to hate people of a different color or race?To be carefully taught racial superiority.With all of your heart soul and mind.

And learn to dispose the rest of mankind.
And learn to be spititualy blind.

Happy Mother's Day 2016

Have Mother's Day 2016.
You are a special woman
in various ways.
You take care of your

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