Roxanne Dubarry Poems

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According to senior white male of sociology at a Woke Penn
State University, USA: How can there be such a thing as
white privilege or white supremacy in America today?

Carry Me Home Please Lord Jesus

O Carry me home please Lord Jesus
On the wings of a snow white dove
You send your pure sweet love,
You send your love on the wings of

My Life Is Rich And Beautiful Because Of You

O My Sweetest Blessed Beloved Lord and Savior, 'My life is beautiful because of you.' My life was bitter and filled with regretful pain! Until that special day 'you came into my life.' And chased all of the black and stormy clouds far far far away from me! O wonderful is your never ending bountiful love for me! Alleluia!
In my heart there rings a melody of heaven's harmony for Thee!

O How wonderful and O How marvelous is your precious love for me! And our love shall always be! How precious and far too few are the blessed moments the two of us can share! You are my sunshine my only sunshine you make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know Lord how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away! Please don't take my sunshine away!

God Is Neither A Conservative Nor A Liberal

Our God is, 'neither a conservative nor a liberal.' He has followers in both camps! Therefore, God also must have followers within the moderate camps as well! 'Conservatism is not Christianity! ' Therefore neither is Patriotism! Because neither conservatism nor patriotism can take the place of genuine Christianity!

Both sides are guilty of being filled with both resentment and pride towards their opposite sides! God would want both polarized political points of view! Instead to show kindness and compassion towards one another! After all are we not all brothers and all sisters within the body of Christ! We should not let different political points of view to cause divisions among-st all of us!


Flee from all of your habitual sins and turn your life over to Jesus Christ for not everyone who says Lord Lord will enter into the Kingdom of heaven. But only those who do the will of my Father Who is in heaven. And on that judgement day Jesus Christ will Say 'Depart from me all of you who do inequity for I never knew You.' And they shall be cast into eternal darkness and torment!

Therefore, do not be amongst those who rely upon their good Deeds done in the Lord's name. Thinking that their good works Alone will gain their access into his Father's heavenly kingdom! 'For by grace are you saved and not by works least any man or Any woman should boast.' And do not count yourself amongst the
The followers of the so-called prosperity gospel! Alleluia! Alleluia!


O Jesus Christ is worthy of our worship
And He is worthy of our praise
All because Jesus is Meritorious
He is alone is able to save us from all

Lord Jesus You Are There Whenever The Dark Shadows Fall

O My dearest Lord Jesus you are there
whenever the dark shadows fall
and I feel as if there is not longer and hope
at all. You reach out and take me by my

All Of My Love From My Heart To Your Hearts

O I freely send to all of you--all of my love from
my heart to your hearts! It is Jesus Christ
that has given all of our lives brand new starts
we can begin once again to rebuild our lives

We Will Never Walk All Alone Ever Again

O Verily I say unto all of you, we will never walk
all alone ever again it is because we have our
very best friend that sticks close to us much
closer than either our brothers or our sisters

Your Word Is A Light Unto My feet And A Lamp Unto My Hand

O Your word is a light unto my feet
And a lamp unto my hand
Behold you are both the Son of God
And also the Son of Man

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