Roy Bain

Roy Bain Poems

We the people of America, stand for Liberty;
Brothers and Sisters united, living in the land of the free.
We abide by the Golden Rule; we treat our neighbors’ right;
But if our Freedom is threatened, together we shall fight.

When at first our hearing begins to fade;
Though the signs are foretelling, we may choose to evade.
We tell others they don’t speak clearly, they mumble a lot;
My concentration is elsewhere, that’s why I ask what.


Today is going to be a great day,
Because I am going to make it that way.
And the rest of my life,
shall be the best of my life,

Have I told you you’re the most important person in my life?
Have I told you I’m so lucky to have you for my wife?
Have I told all the many, many things you are to me?
Well, just in case I haven’t lately; let me mention two or three.

Good morning GOD, how are you today?
For what did they ask you LORD, and did you answer, yea or nay? THEY ASKED FOR EVERYTHING, BUT IT DOESN’T WORK THAT WAY.
It’s a great morning GOD, I hope you’re feeling good.


God gives to thee an abundance of love
through friends and family, from heaven above.
Try as you will, all of your love to give
you’ll have plenty still, for as long as you live.


Do a little dreaming each and every day.
Reach for a distant star though it seems so far away. Your dreams become your goals brought to action by a plan.
And your plan becomes achievable the day you say I can.
So do a little dreaming of what your future is to be.

Shine a lot of love on your friendships and quickly you will learn.
The more love you give to others the more they’ll give you in return.
Be a giver that’s what matters reach out and help a friend.
It’s the hand that gives that gathers you’ll be the winner in the end.

The Best Poem Of Roy Bain

We The People

We the people of America, stand for Liberty;
Brothers and Sisters united, living in the land of the free.
We abide by the Golden Rule; we treat our neighbors’ right;
But if our Freedom is threatened, together we shall fight.
Because... We the people of America, stand proud and tall;
And when it comes to one another, it is Liberty for all.

We the people of America, share Equality;
All races and religions, different as can be;
Our nation has grown to greatness, as a melting pot.
A home for every color and proud of all we’ve got.
For... We the people of America, our future is divine;
These words spoken by our Hero’s shall stand the test of time.

“I know not what course others may take, but as for me...
Give me liberty or give me death”.
“Four score and seven years ago our forefathers brought
forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and
dedicated to the proposition that, all men are created equal”.
“Ask not what your country can do for you... but what
you can do for your country”.
“I’ve been to the mountain; I’ve seen the other side,
And... I have a dream”.
“Terrorists attacks can shake the foundation of our biggest buildings, but... They can not touch the foundation of AMERICA”.

We the people of America, enjoy Prosperity,
We work hard on the farm, and in the factory;
From the mountains to the oceans, across the wide prairie,
Our America is beautiful, from sea to shining sea... Yes,

We the people of America, in GOD we trust;
GOD bless America, and every one of US.

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