ruby cunningham

ruby cunningham Poems

This tree standing here
all gnarled and bent
was once a young sappling
with branches unbent

We met in the park when we were teens
you with your blue eyes and jeans
laughing and talking the hours away
each wanting the other to stay

Here in the ocean of my mind
where my thoughts churn
and slap at the shore
The world with its morals lost

Shadows dancing in flickering light
guiding souls into the night
Heeding the call of twilight hours
basking in their unearthly powers

When the wind blows through
the heart of natures soul
You can hear the songs of ages past
Close your eyes and open your mind

Twilight glow of Heaven above
Starlit nights looking down on love
Gentle breezes over passion spent
The night winds of nature's vent

I come to the ocean as to that of a lover
its warm wet embrace like that of no other
With a gentle tug it lulls me in
swirling around and tasting my skin

The Best Poem Of ruby cunningham

The Tree

This tree standing here
all gnarled and bent
was once a young sappling
with branches unbent
the hands that tended it, loved it you see
but got lost and confused
when sometimes in need
with memories of their own
at the hands of anger
they would become rough and harsh
as that of a stranger
through love and strife the tree did grow
and it forgave those hands, I know
for that tree you see
is me
Ruby M Cunningham

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