Sadiqullah Khan Poems

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A Burdened Thought

Seldom bites the barking dog
The ear-marked books, thicker than a log,
On a burdened thought, heavier than
A heave of sigh, when picked the sham.

Onion -Poor Man's Apple

Have you seen it broken, by a big fist
Either on the top of a cot's leg.
Or smashed on a stone, sprinkling juice.
Eyes and nose run together

O What's Your Name

"The best quality tea must have creases like the leathern boot of Tartar horsemen, curl like the dewlap of a mighty bullock, unfold like a mist rising out of a ravine, gleam like a lake touched by a zephyr, and be wet and soft like a fine earth swept newly by rain."
- Lu Yu 'The Sage of Tea'

Brew It

Brew it like butter in cold earth,
Older the thought, return when all is well
O desolation, every turn is a panorama
Unable the eye to capture, mind to comprehend.

Girl With Auburn Hair

Girl with auburn hair, tells me write
Nothing else, my eyes' horizon. Read fate
Time's fortunes, on my forehead, peaks
Deserts, isn't nature a curvaceous dune.


Scanned through the gates, bags searched,
Fingers on triggers the guards stand
Barricaded ways. Define a prison,
The teacher asks, visit a primary school,

Sugar Cubes

Parrot seeks sugar cubes
The master spoke honey and wine,
Could you put in hemlock the poison -
A mouth lush with song and line

While We Danced

Lift the arms up in the style of wings,
Sweatened dreamy circles on the drums' hollowness,
The hide is alive to the touch, like love's skin,
And silk of strings break through the heart's chords

This Dead End

Must it be the creeping sounds?
On dead ends, dead corridors.
Fallen leaves are archaic,
and playful words a cliché.

Ode To Hafez

The evening's cup to the brim holds Saki,
The sunset on the tavern sets the night.
The streets of Shiraz had the rapture,
The soul from divine drinks inebriate.

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