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Jaasia Listen!

listen from your slumber
forgive me oh dear,
forgive all,

No Time To Dream.............

when i saw you
you were a dead body
but looks fresh
my eyes were there

The Costume Was Decorated With Creeper

A soft Flannel warm cloth
Feb was cold
A greenish blue baby dress
So cute so

Our Leader Leader Of The Country

A Green Country
Needed a Red flag
A Green Country
Needed the Freedom

Uh The People Of Syria!

Speaking about SYRIAN people:
Why are they suffering?
Why so Division among them?
They had History of good Cultural Background!


Nature is healthy
As much as I can
Holidays are best
To visit the Nature!

Lighter Than The Light!

Leave tall talks & throw Yourself
On the Feet of a Kamil Morshid & one day you are going to be a kamil wali!
Uh what a flower it is!
Uh what kind he is!

*** Spiritual(The Qalb Chapter) Knowledge ***

'Verily remember that the Auliallah will need no fear or nor any kind of thoughtfulness (during the Day) ! They are those people who have brought Faith & performed abstinence; & good news is only for them both here and hereafter! Allah's words are not changeable! '

Maarifat or bilayeet has two main basics: - Imaan & Tak-waa! For the Door of Bilayeet, You are having that sort of Status as per your Imaan & Takwaa! Strongest Imaan & Takwaa holders have the best status door of bilayeet! Wali is he who has Kamil(divine) Imman & takwaa! Correction of baatin depends on kamil imaan & takwaa(abstinence) ! Qalb is the manifestation of Imaan! Abstinence have assoiation with zaahir limbs but real takwaa has association with qalb (baatin) ! Imaan gets fulfilled by purity (corrction) of baatin! So a saalik needs to correct two matters- one is aqidah & amals- two is cleaning of Qalb! As per qalb we have two Nature__good & bad! So by the word baatin cleaning we mean, acquire good habits & avoid the bad sides!

**spiritual Knowledge (Special-1) **

: : : : : : : : When Zikr/Dikr is a topic: : : : : : : : :
Abdulmujib Attijjeniy Usman: :
Allah bestows His Compassion upon all beings, always, and His Love and His Way is to bring lives together by pressing them
together. Allah possesses a Love which spreads and intermingles with all lives. In the same way, among human beings there is also such a true Love, such a true, real feeling. When that Love is operating, when it is

**spiritual Knowledge On Meditation Of Some Aiyah**

Bismil laahir rwahmaanir rwahim:
(niyah connects you with the fayiz= series of spiritual noor=light in general sense but they are more refined n subtler..beginning of muraqaba shutting your eyes.. why shutting eyes? when u shut the eyes of Zaahir then the baatin eyes automatically opens zaahir/ existing that u see...baatin existing but you canot see as u don't have the quality or capability!) um turned and attentive to my qalb; via my morshed kibla's qalb, it is turned and attended to the aiyaat 'waa huaa mawaakum ainaama kuntoom' as per the nisbaat of Qadria Tariqa; Let the fayeez of the aiyah be prevailed on my Qalb yaa Allah! In the condition of Muraqaba, recite the aiyah at times...Every letter of the Holy Quran has hidden meaning......Evey sura has a muraqaba / every line has a muraqaba! 'and he is with you; where ever you stay'

2 'Faaz-kurunee azkurkum'...(same niyah of muraqaba) meaning- 'then you remember me(Allah): I'll remember you too'

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