Salvatore Ala Poems

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Things I Saw Today

Many blue jays from parallel dimensions.
The marshes aloft with birds.
Reed beds in swirling masses.
One swan spread the sun's wings.

Earth Fragment

The earth's summer
a furiously burning mother-fire
at a touch of frost the sun shatters
night harvests stars from the soil

Young Love In Ancient Place

I'll share this photograph of my parents with you.
It's like an old wine overflowing time, still new.
They're eighteen and twenty-four, in their best poor clothes,
Posing under an olive branch on a Roman road.

Chronicles Of Man

After the first beheading, hope was severed like a limb.

After the second, love produced a fountain of blood.

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Passenger ships slip time in fog,
Their displacement forever in motion.

The Piano Tuner Tuning The Piano

A country doctor commencing on a cure.
A chiropractor stretching the spine of his patient.
An ornithologist listening for particular birds.
The dance of lonely awkward people.

The Soccer Ball

Head without a will of its own,
Blindfolded and bandaged eyes

Fishing With My Father

I could fish for hours,
Lose myself in a marsh

The Blue Hour

Neither complete reason or revelation
But falling in love again when we can't help it
Ambient composite blue transparent to the stars
Between dawn and sunrise sunset and dusk

In The Beauty Of A Lower Heaven

Autumn in Paris is like summer in a lower heaven.
Sycamores and chestnuts paint the air,
Pencil-thin branches sketch the city like Utrillo,
The Seine sets leaves in moon-glass.

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