Samantha Ashley Poems

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A Different Hunger

My bewitching creature, having seduced me with your forbidden delicacies. Feeding off my want for you, need for you and dare I say love for you. Under a crimson moon you take me and we surrender to the night.

I quiver with desire, gorging on it. Your body coils around mine so tightly that I can barely breath. Gentle fangs pierce my milky skin, leaving the mark of your sweet snake bite. My lips are left swollen and tender from the sting of your kiss.

They Love Thy Light

They love thy light; how could they not?
Tis’ a wondrous sight mine eyes have yet forgot.
They speak of thee; thy eloquent word, once told to me.
Long, since I have heard.


It was a clash of vanities for you and I
Grimaces made for smiles.
We said simple things to avoid confrontation.
Hello. How Are You? Alright.


I remember when you went away;
my heart grew weary and I cried in secret.
No one knew about us, at least no more than we allowed.
I think it best now that they still don't know.


Ah life! You run hot and cold.
One moment; my friend and the next; my foe.
You have brought me great sorrow and great joy.
what you will bring tomorrow, no one knows.

I Found Peace

Once I stood before the vast ocean.
My feet planted firmly in the warm, golden sand.
From the shore I rushed into the glittering waters
and swam against the calm tide.

A Girl I Used To Know

There was a girl I used to know,
we were friends not long ago.
I recall when I saw her last,
we had been parted; much time had passed.

My Friends

No one could be as lucky as I,
to have such love in their life.
Once, I thought not a soul cared for me
but I was mistaken.

One Night Stand

When inhibitions are low, time has no name.
Caution’s thrown to the wind and purpose is lost.
Secrets are disposable and actions can’t be tamed.
Every word becomes a vision of lust.

I Hope You'Re Happy (Part Deux)

I hope you're happy, although it might sound peculiar.
I hope you're happy, I really do.
I hope you feel as though you have found a missing link.
Everything you want and need lies within her.

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