Samuel Rogers Poems

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From An Italian Sonnet

Love, under Friendship's vesture white,
Laughs, his little limbs concealing;
And oft in sport, and oft in spite,

An Inscription - For Stratfield Saye

These are the groves a grateful people gave
For noblest service; and from age to age,
May they, to such as come with listening ear,

Approach with reverence. There are those within,
Whose dwelling-place is Heaven. Daughters of Jove,
From them flow all the decencies of Life;

An Inscription In The Crimea

Shepherd, or Huntsman, or worn Mariner,
Whate'er thou art, who wouldst allay thy thirst,
Drink and be glad. This cistern of white stone,

Italy : 26. The Campagna Of Florence

'Tis morning. Let us wander through the fields,
Where Cimabue found a shepherd-boy
Tracing his idle fancies on the ground;

Italy : 1. The Lake Of Geneva

Day glimmered in the east, and the white Moon
Hung like a vapour in the cloudless sky,
Yet visible, when on my way I went,


'Twas Autumn; thro' Provence had ceased
The vintage, and the vintage-feast.
The sun had set behind the hill,
The moon was up, and all was still,

Italy : 4. The Great St. Bernard

Night was again descending, when my mule,
That all day long had climbed among the clouds,
Higher and higher still, as by a stair

The Voyage Of Columbus

[Inscribed On The Original Manuscript.]

Unclasp me, Stranger; and unfold,
With trembling care my leaves of gold,I ...

From A Greek Epigram

While on the cliff with calm delight she kneels,
And the blue vales a thousand joys recall,
See, to the last, last verge her infant steals!

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