Samuel Rogers Poems

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To Two Sisters - On The Death Of A Younger Sister

Well may you sit within, and, fond of grief,
Look in each other's face, and melt in tears;
Well may you shun all counsel, all relief -

To... On The Death Of Her Sister

Ah! little thought she, when, with wild delight
By many a torrent's shining track she flew,
When mountain-glens and caverns full of night

Written At Dropmore

Grenville, to thee my gratitude is due
For many an hour of studious musing here,
For many a day-dream, such as hovered round

Written At Midnight

While thro' the broken pane the tempest sighs,
And my step falters on the faithless floor,
Shades of departed joys around me rise,

Written In 1834

Well, when her day is over, be it said
That, though a speck on the terrestrial globe,
Found with long search and in a moment lost,

Written In July

Grey, thou hast served, and well, the sacred Cause
That Hampden, Sydney died for. Thou hast stood,

Italy : 40. Banditti

'Tis a wild life, fearful and full of change,
The mountain-robber's. On the watch he lies,
Levelling his carbine at the passenger;

Italy : 41. An Adventure

Three days they lay in ambush at my gate,
Then sprung and led me captive. Many a wild
We traversed; but Rusconi, 'twas no less,

Italy : 42. Naples

This region, surely, is not of the earth.
Was it not dropt from heaven? Not a grove,
Citron or pine or cedar, not a grot
Sea-worn and mantled wit ...

Italy : 44. A Character

One of two things Montrioli may have,
My envy or compassion. Both he cannot.
Yet on he goes, numbering as miseries,

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