Sanju Roy Poems

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Stand Strong

When things seem difficult miserable
Life is turning away from you
Intimidated and worn out you remain
In darkness at a corner you examine


Life is full of surprises and shocks
while we are planning and deciding
our next move,
our course of action

Could You Be The One?

It feels good to be in your arms,
to feel the warmth of your touch.
I love to look into your beautiful eyes,
to see how much you care.

When I Am With Her

When I am without her, the sun doesn't shine as brightly.
When I am without her, the clouds are dark and foreboding.
When I am without her, the birds don't sing as sweetly.
When I am without her, the walls close in on me.

A Friend

Friends are far, friends are near,
Friends will be there to lend an ear,
They listen, laugh, and care,
But most of all, they're always there,

I Wrote

I wrote my name in the clouds,
But the wind blew it away.
I wrote your name in the sand,
But the water washed it away.

Just Let Go

We had a lot of fun
When we were together
I'll never forget
I'll always remember

Lost Love

The most amazing moment was when we met
The love and time I have shared with you
have all been without regret...
In spite of our love...

Its Time

It makes me wonder if this was ever meant to be
How could she want that guy and forget about me
She says that he could be the one
But everyone knows she will be hurt when it is done

My Promise To You

I promise to always lift you up
When you are feeling down
I promise to wipe your tears
When you feel you need to cry

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