SarahLaney Long Poems

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Time Of Friendship

I remember the first time we met
And I thought that you were the biggest prep
But I was wrong
And it's been so long

A Prayer For My Friends

Dearest Father up above
This prayer's for all the friends I love

Thinking Of You

Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile,
And finds in your presence that life is worth while.
So when you are lonely, rmeeber it's true
Someone, somewhere is thinking of you.

The Story Between Us

We met about two week ago.
And thought that it would get old.
But never in our minds we would become so bold

The Facts Of You And Me

We met in a place that was unexpected
We got to know each other, a little more each time.
We were both completely honest with each other.
Until you asked me my name, where I was from, and for my picture.

Foot Of The Cross

His feet were bare
On the road to Calvary
As He slowly made His way
I watched on bended knees.

Your Reward

The way may seem hard,
The road may be rough -
To endure to the end
You have to be tough,

Nothing Compares To You

I'm sitting here filled with wonder
At the amazing things You do
How the waters stay in the oceans
And the vast beauty of the view

A New Me

I've always love you Father
Although sometimes I silp away
Now that I've trully discovered You
I'll live a better day

Until I Get To You

I'm looking but I'm missing
Oh I wanna be complete
I'm runnin' and I'm bleedin'
Cause I got to get this done

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