Satish Verma Poems

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Goodbyes Are Increasing

It signs in air to
blow people heart. Oh dear death.
This was a bizarre revenge.

The Midnight Understanding

In the absence of an azure
pain, the divine hemlock becomes
edible. Yen by yen I was nearing you.

Windowless Home

Sacrificed a winter rose
for you. What was in your hand, when
I asked, do you know the actual?

Peace In Darkness

Are you a returnee
from a lion man? The clay ripens
brown in the sun for centuries.

The Collected Dreams

The deep layers of ash
are covering the history of impunity.
My unconscious spirit breeds death.

Earth Takes The Price

These are black days
in purple cubes. My intimate poems
were still nascent, accounted for.

A Legend Breeds

Creativity was the Venus
of my poems. My poem was a tree.
A pilgrim sits for a while in shade.

I Flash In Chains

My eyes undress to
salute the agni to mesmerize the
ruined truths of morality.

Till Every Love

You were more than
what you are in knitting a jaguar
on my chest. Why humanity fails?

The Last Tears

After the compound stab
like a suicide note, there was left nothing.
The space was increasing.

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