Shaila Touchton

Shaila Touchton Poems

I am proud of my husband because he had the strength to work and take care of me and our child.
I am Proud of my husband because he had allowed me to be a stay Home Mom while many husbands send their wives to work outside home.
I am proud of my husband because he never reminds me of my past sorrows.
I am Proud of my Husband because He is a wonderful father and a Great Provider.

He is the First and Last, the Beginning and the End!
He is the keeper of Creation and the Creator of all!
He is the creative agent and the image of God!
He is our Passover, our great High priest and the Head of the church!

Bible is the Holy Book inspired by God and is life-changing
It's the word of God, living and active,
Sharper than any double edged sword
It's the revelation of God to the world

I praise and thank God for his Majesty
I praise and thank God for his Glory
I praise and thank God for his Excellency
I praise and thank God for his greatness.

I prayed for you so much and God answered my prayers by sending you in my life
You are God's special child came into my life to give my life a meaning
My Son Oliver Emmanuel you are the miraculous gift, sent from God above
Today is not just your birthday, but a gift of life from God

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
Lean not on your own understanding
For those who love God all things work together for good
Acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths

Jesus Christ came to earth as a newborn baby in a manger in Bethlehem.
During the second coming of Jesus Christ, He will defeat the Antichrist, destroy evil, and establish His Millennial Kingdom.
When Jesus came first He died, to pay the penalty for the sins of the world.
During His second coming, He will come to be man's judge.

We are the Indians noted for our humanness and calm nature
With no harshness in our Principles and ideals.
We are open minded, emotional and good natured
Our emotions speaks louder than words

Godly father is a man of God and a man of prayers
He is careful to lead a blameless life
He fears God and is obedient to His Word
Walks in house with blameless heart

Faith in Christ brings salvation
Faith in Christ brings answers to prayer
Faith in Christ brings all the benefits of salvation into our lives
Faith in Christ brings healings and delivery

Your birthday takes me back to the past in my memories to the day when you were born
My son Oliver Emmanuel, You have an amazing story of the healing power of God and His abundant love for us.
Its my privilege to be your Mother to be blessed with a wonderful son like you
You are a treasure from above, and every day I praise and thank God for you, my darling Baby Boy.

Jesus is the word of God, through him all things are made
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
And the Word was God
The Word became flesh and dwelt among us

You radiate beauty from your smile and kindness
Your beautiful smile makes one's life more beautiful
Your beautiful smile is a precious ornament God has given you
Your smile is a ray of sunshine that brightens up the day for those who see it.

There are some people in life those who use words to hurt others
The pain doesn't fade and the scars don't heal
The scars show pain and suffering and my will to survive.
They're part of my history that'll always be there.

You are a gift from God you truly are
A blessing with a miracle
A blessing sent from Heaven above
Who is so precious as an apple of my eye,

Don't worry don't cry don't let your fear find you
The agony of sorrow may weaken you
Don't keep yourself alone and sad
Even when there is no hope tomorrow

Antichrist denies that Jesus Christ is God who came in the flesh
He Opposes God and Exalts himself above God
He is the beast rising up out of the sea, having 7heads and 10 horns
Upon his horns 10 crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy

Good Friday reminds the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ at Calvary.
The betrayal and forsaken of his own disciple
The blasphemous false accusations from the world
Good Friday reminds us that Jesus was despised and rejected by men

The name Jesus is so powerful.There is no name above His Name.
Whatever you ask in Jesus name is given. John 14: 11-14

Salvation in Christ. Acts 4: 12; Gal.3: 27

We limit Jesus Christ through our thoughts and beliefs
And forget that He himself being the chief corner stone
He came that we may have life abundantly
He came to open the eyes of the blind

Shaila Touchton Biography

Shaila Touchton was born and raised in a well-educated family in India and has completed her Bachelor of Electrical & Electronics Engineering Degree from NMAMIT, India, and other various Certifications Courses in Computers & Networking. Also, she has a Honorary doctorate of Biblical Studies and Theological Study Ministries, Christian Counseling and Internet Evangelism. She has even studied Hon.Doctorate of Healing and Deliverance from Ave Maria Theological Seminary. She had worked for I.T and Engineering companies in the past and now she is a stay Home Christian Mother and a Christian writer contributing articles. She has self-published three books using print-on-demand called Christian Living, Seek God' s Truth and Living a Godly Life. She has a passion for writing Christian articles and has contributed many articles and blogs online. She has a great love for the study of God's word in a deep way. She has an incredible heart to serve the Lord and she loves to encourage and uplift others to a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ through her writings. God bless each and every one of you who takes the time to read her articles. http: //

The Best Poem Of Shaila Touchton

I Am Proud Of My Husband!

I am proud of my husband because he had the strength to work and take care of me and our child.
I am Proud of my husband because he had allowed me to be a stay Home Mom while many husbands send their wives to work outside home.
I am proud of my husband because he never reminds me of my past sorrows.
I am Proud of my Husband because He is a wonderful father and a Great Provider.
I am Proud of my Husband because he encourages me to be Godly Mother, Godly wife and to be a Godly example.
I am proud of my husband and the job that he does because he is very talented and brilliant in his job.
I am Proud of my husband because he is very generous to the poor and needy.
I am Proud of my husband because his colleagues in his office praise him for his helping nature.
I am Proud of my husband because he is kind and friendly with the neighbors.
I am proud of my husband because he trusts me completely in everything.
I am proud of my husband because he is not greedy for money, possessions.
I am Proud of my husband because he sings worship songs that glorify God.
I am Proud of my husband because he teaches prayers, scriptures and Godly ways to our children.
I am proud of my husband because he does not lust at other women.
I am Proud of my husband because is kind and compassionate, Hardworking and truthful.
I am proud of my husband because he fears God and is obedient to His Word.
I am proud of my husband because he is trying his very best to be a Godly person, bringing our family to desire Christ and to seek God's glory.
I am proud of my husband because he is committed to our marriage; he has kept the marriage vows in spite of problems and challenges in the marriage.
I am proud of my husband because of his understanding and caring nature, inspite of we both coming from a different culture and different opinion.
I am proud of my husband because even though we have major differences, inspite of it we get along and come unity in Christ.
I am proud of my husband because he is loving, caring and He prays for me and for my children every day before God.
I am proud of my husband because our children Love and obey him with proper respect.
I am proud of my husband because he is a good leader, willing to put God first and our marriage next.
I am proud of my husband because when he does mistakes he is willing to ask forgiveness.
I am proud of my husband because he is courageous, caring and loving towards animals.
I am Proud of my husband because he is willing to give himself to me and our family.
I am proud of my husband because he doesn't allow me or my daughter exposing our bodies with inappropriate clothes.
I am proud of my husband because of his true and committed love for me and for our family.
I am proud of my husband because he avoids morally corrupted people around our family.
I am proud of my husband because he encourages and supports to practice our Christian faith, to grow in Godliness, to keep away from dangers and evils affecting from outside.
I am proud of my husband because he is not addicted to wine, not self-centered and controlling, not a gambler, not a smoker, not a womanizer.
I am proud of my husband because he manages the household well.
I am proud of my husband because of his everlasting marriage commitment
I am so proud of my husband that I get to share my life with him.
I'm always so proud to be the one next to him.

Shaila Touchton Comments

Delores Wiley 03 July 2019

I enjoyed your poem and would like to read the poem at our family reunion.. What is the cost?

6 0 Reply
Sudesh 26 March 2018

U r one of my best sister

6 0 Reply

Shaila Touchton Quotes

Prayer obtains wisdom. Prayer can get victory over sin. Prayer obtains an insight into and understanding of the Word of God. Prayer brings Christ to dwell in our hearts by faith.

Blaming others is an escape mechanism, which narcissist abusers are experts in and they are not interested in our explanations, and will never admit fault for the drama or the pain they cause to those around them.

Betrayers and Backstabbers treat you badly but pretend to love you and act safe but hurt you more than your enemy.

Real Success is surviving the battles of life, the challenges of life, the pains of life, surviving and overcoming the betrayers, backstabbers, abusers, liars, the critics the physical and spiritual attackers.

Betrayers, are traitors who come in the form of friends, family, colleagues, neighbors, and relatives to persecute you, oppress you, destroy you and they are tools of Satan.

Some people may come into your life to fail you and be used by the enemy to destroy you. Be careful whom you allow in your life.

The Word of God will set you free from all traps, Fowler Snares, Deception and Strongholds of the evil one.

Monitoring spirits, evil watchers, fowlers, demonic agents, occult men and women, witches and wizards, Evil men and woman can influence people with evil thoughts about you and cause men to hate you for no cause and can stop good things coming your way.

Stay away from negative and backstabbers & protect your wellbeing and sanity.

The unrighteous, Gossipers, Hypocrites, wicked people, abusers, Cheaters, violent people, betrayers, liars, mistreaters, opportunists, backstabbers, haters, Jealous People can't inherit the Kingdom of God because they work for the kingdom of Darkness, and they are of Satan.

The ruthless behavior of evil people often leads to their success which they have obtained through lying, betraying, being fraudulent, their fake love, backstabbing, false promises, breaking hearts, manipulating, and ruining so many people's lives.

Many Evil and Wicked People use Good Innocent people to achieve success in their lives and during their Success, they dump the good people who were the true reason for their Success. But they forget that have "surface success" gained by evil acts and dishonest behaviors. Be careful with some People who Smile in your face, but they are betrayers and backstabbers. They are like Poisonous snakes, they say they love you with their lips, and their hearts are against you.

A good husband values and respects his partner, recognizing her worth and contributions beyond physical appearance or material possessions. He understands the importance of emotional support, trust, and mutual growth in a relationship. This perspective celebrates the true essence of a healthy partnership, where both individuals can thrive and flourish together.

'Some people are consumed by an insatiable hunger for material possessions, constantly craving the latest branded gadgets and luxuries, yet they never seem to have enough. They exploit the kindness of others, taking loans and favors without intention of repayment, using friendship, love, and family as excuses to justify their endless demands. They are like bottomless pits, always wanting more, never satisfied, and leaving a trail of unfulfilled promises and strained relationships in their wake.'

They promise to blossom, but their roots remain rotten. They swear to reform, but their habits remain hardened. They speak of transformation, but their actions are stuck in repetition. They're like a broken record, playing the same tired tune, unable to move beyond the worn grooves of their past.

Gossip is a deadly venom that spreads swiftly, fueled by idleness and born from the darkest corners of our hearts. It's a weapon forged in the fires of hatred and jealousy, employed by Satan to pierce the very fabric of our relationships. Let us be vigilant against this poisonous arrow, lest we become both its victim and its unwitting perpetrator, unleashing a destructive force that leaves no heart unscathed.

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