Shankaran Kutty Poems

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To My Daughters

You are the pretty flowers that bloomed
On my life’s romantic vine
The most precious possessions I have
What is truly mine

Sinned To Be Born A Girl?

The putrid smell of smoke and sweat
Pervaded the dim lit room
And alone I sat in eager wait
No time to drown in gloom

Teenage Love

When I was a teenager
It was indeed a must
That like everyone I fall in love
If not, I won no trust

Making Of A Poet

A poet I am, never claimed I, though poems, I have tried a few
Some were nice, some so tripe but to all I have been so true
So it was one weekend when my daughters came by my side
“Tell us Dad when did you first write the poems that fill us with pride”

Stay Away Now I Am Dead

(This is hugely inspired by Lord Tennyson’s “Come not when I am dead”. My humble tribute a powerful, awesome poem)

On the broken stubs of wood I lie
And all around me, people cry


I wish the world is filled with light
I love everything that is bright
For it welcomes the sun
Says goodbye to the dark night

Darkness! !

I love darkness
For in its vast expanse
Those of skin fair and dark
Those size zero, or built like me

My World Cup Debut! !

I was at the age of seventeen
As the future of cricket, I was seen
In the team for the World Cup I was picked
A trip to England, thus I hitched

Sweet Sally

(This poem is an experiment, written as a tribute to the classic poem 'The Raven' by Edgar Allen Poe. I have tried to introduce the same rhyming pattern out here, which is like

Uttara's Lament

Alone she sat in the battlefield
Her husband’s head in her lap
At sixteen, a mere trifle of a boy he was
His face serene as in a nap

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