Sidi Mahtrow Poems

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Procrustes’s Alive

Procrustes knew well what he thought and did
Made a bed, “one size fits all” it’s said.
Little did he know that his philosophy would be embraced
By those with such a liberal grace.

Trruffles (A Chocolate Orgy)

She stood behind the counter, feet spread wide
Her hair neatly tied in a bun that the netting tried to hide.
Smiled when I entered, hands covered with sugar dust
So she wiped her hands on the apron. That she must.

Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain

He stands there before us
Reading from a carefully scripted syllibus
As he proclaims for all to hear;
“While we have hope, no need to fear.

The Clock

The old clock don't tick no more
Since I got one from the computer store
New one just sat there by the bed
And glowed an off-colour red.

Bumbling Hive

In a faire garden put there for purpose without ending,
Stood some one hundred plus hives and their attending,
Populations of swarming bees,
Gathering honey from the surrounding plants and trees.

The Arrogance Of A Leader

Claiming superiority by Birth
Denying other's a place on Earth
A simple statement, among many,
'I won, ' in the face of the 'Enemy.'

On Considering Lew Webster’s Old Age

Seasons of the year
Make one’s memory clear
Of events favorable in the past
While sorrow’s are but trying ghost.

News That's Fit To Print

Words and pictures on paper appear
To shape the sense of pending fear
Rather than report happenings as they occurred
Writers politicize with many a twisted word.

The Meadow

Once was a green stretching through
The low lands lying to the west
A lush pasture that Thoreau would have embraced
As fit for man and nature to live side by side


Anger is a natural act
When one responds to a worrysome fact
And expresses the passion held within
To alert the world that 'it might have been.'

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