Sima Farshid

Sima Farshid Poems


In this big ball where people all
wear tinted masks,
I'm out of place for my bare face.


All her life on a marsh,
a water lily dreamed of the sea.

The bird thirty flew out,
yet I stood still
and stared at its flight.


From the moment you go to say Dad,
a couple of hulks stand against you.
How they've popped up,
you'll never know.

The cocoon I'd weaved,
turned to fetters
instead of silk,
and I went on spinning

The Best Poem Of Sima Farshid


In this big ball where people all
wear tinted masks,
I'm out of place for my bare face.

Sima Farshid Comments

M Asim Nehal 04 October 2015

Ms.Sima, is a true poetess and she writes with her heart, I read few of her poems and those were Heartfelt. Looking forward for some more poems, May Allah bless you with writing poweress.

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