Smoky Hoss Poems

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Aging Poet

Come and see the old poet
Laying in his bed of ashes and dust,
His love in ruins
His mentality frozen by restless rust,

Still, I Wonder

The world seems a strange place tonight.
I feel as an alien
in a foreign land...
I sit, where I oft do, out-of-doors, alone,


Don't we all wonder, remotely
- in ways we cannot even fully understand -
'What's this all about? '
Age has invaded our mind

Tessy And The Angel Trails

When she was young
she loved to lay in wide open spaces,
intently gazing far away into the sky.
With a divinely silent patience

Are You Here To Take Me Home Today

Every time, that last year of life,
when I would go visit her in the nursing home
where she spent her days dreaming inside of those
walls that weren't her own,


The black-eyed Susans
are gone,
the question of fall
has begun.

Aurora Lodestone

'Silence is God's first language.' - John of the Cross

When the sky clears
and radiance out shines the dark

Dragonfly Moment

Today on the trail
the temperature high
the humidity heavy
like a beast of burden-

The Death Of Death (Time And Space)

- 'There is, after all, something eternal that lies beyond the hand of fate and of all human delusions. And such eternals lie closer to an older person than to a younger one, oscillating between fear and hope.' -Albert Einstein in a letter to the queen of Belgium.

I stand in a receding twilight room
noticing them noticing me.

Cat & I

There we sat
Just me and the cat,
Upon a bench overlooking the river Thames,
The cat turned to me

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