somebody else Poems

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Who Cares

Does anyone, their sympathies convey,
for the hurt and pain, he must feel each day.
And how he feels, does anybody care,
for growing always, must be despair.


Everything was perfect without a flaw, when it began,
it may be hard to believe, but so was man.
There was no evil or burning hate,
just love and joy, in a blissful state.


He has been chasing you, before you were born,
the one of whom the Lord did warn.
And he is gaining, each and every day,
and will so, until time is fulfilled and you pass away.


Grateful should you be, He has not fired you,
for being so slack, in the job you were to do.
And He has given all that was needed, to perform it well,
with written instructions, that the Good Book tell.


A God there is, I tell honestly,
and nothing is there, He does not see.
And the future for many, indeed looks grim,
because of their sins, that do taunt him.

Big Deal

You shrug off hell, as if it no big deal,
then why did the Lord, warn it is real.
And sacrifice for your sake did he.
so such a place, you wouldn't see.


Is there a love, that does always endure,
which creates such happiness ever so pure.
For where is that one, that perfect girl,
that seeks true love, not just a whirl.


To the Lord you should always pray,
that he'll have mercy, and grant another day.
For God holds every breath you take,
so to assume you have many left, is a mistake.


Do not faint, but stand your ground,
remembering where, strength is found.
For life is full, of many ups and downs,
and you will to, have a share of its smiles and frowns.

Still Cares

The greatness of the Lord, I think we will never fully know,
for it seems His glory, ceases not to grow.
He is beyond perfection, and is in no way flawed,
He simply is, the only one worthy of the name of God.

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