Spyros M. Aronis

Spyros M. Aronis Poems

You came, myriad times, into my life
In other times, in curried hours
In other times, in lucid hours
But you were since then, one of the most

The Best Poem Of Spyros M. Aronis


You came, myriad times, into my life
In other times, in curried hours
In other times, in lucid hours
But you were since then, one of the most
greatest figures.
In other times you were pretty as a goddess
In other times you were as a witch, shrew,
ugly and bad.
But whoever you were, I shall always
Keep you in my heart.
In other times you were a sword, hard whip thunderbolt,
In other times you were as wind's greatly
But however you will be something eternal for me.
You taught me so much wild and sneaky
beautiful and sweet
So I'll always owe you too much.
I was a very close friend of yours
and you were a true love of mine
who never quitted me
thus I shall forever be your loyal follower.
You were marvelous under
whatever figure you had
bitter, serene
ruthless or tender.
Nevertheless you were for me a goddess.
I sincerely know, deep inside
You will be always after me,
In other times cruel
In other times with affection
I myself shall love you forever.
Experience you taught me so much
without you I would have nothing
I would be nothing
You are the bright light that I follow
the warmth of fire
which melted the iron
and covered into steel
That's why I am thankful to you.
You taught me so much
that all the wiseman of the world
could not teach me
as you did.
You are the best assistant
of my life's battle.
You are the queen among
the women of my life.

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