Stanley Cooper Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Goodbye Mr. Bush

Goodbye Mr. Bush and your administration’s menagerie
Goodbye Mr. Bush along with your “strategery”
Your vision you proclaimed to be wonderfully grand-ish
Goodbye to that vision that was grandly outlandish


Penning Latin prescriptions
Is an out of date tradition
But Docs enjoy their clubby esoterics

Campaign Code Words

“Change, ” a key-word in this presidential campaign
But change to what, they don’t explain
Change for better or for worse?
How will it affect the tax-payers purse?

Throwing The Bull

The astronaut heading for outer space
Past the Man in the Moons sun-lit face
Won’t have time to give it a wink
He’ll be past the moon before he can blink

Ode To My Crystal Ball

I look into my crystal ball with fear
Afraid to see the future from its rear
Particularly since I choose-ta
Having things be as they use-ta

This Omnipresent Person

Who is this guy, I wonder
This omnipresent person
His name so oft is under
Readings I’m immersed-in

Learn From Little Kids

Adults can learn much from little kids
If we put aside our egos and our ids
Give the kids a chance_ pay close attention
Never look down with know-it-all condescension

A Wordy Worthy Pet

If I could have a dinosaur pet
I’d name him Sir Thesaurus
He’d be the smartest dinosaur yet
Ever found in any forest

An Ode To A Lame Duck

If we wanted a president abhorrently decisive
We got one
If we wanted one nationally divisive
We got one

Off To The Races

With the Presidential campaign, we’re off to the races
Too many horses, too many strange faces
After checking their quality, if I had my druthers
I’d vote for Groucho, of the famous Marx Brothers

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