sushanta rokka

sushanta rokka Poems

Yeah, ready to go with her there
Lets see how do I look, need to make my hair..
A man standing front of me facing me
Asking me, what do I really see

GOD: no way sushanta and why do ask me to,
Fulfill that your same wish every time.
You know that wish of yours I cannot do,
She is not made for you fulfilling ur wish is a crime.

With dark clouds, cold winds and lightning,
It rains heavily and yes it is frightening.
I love it when it rains heavier.
And rain makes me, her to remember.

Finally the day has come
When we will go on a date
Tomorrow we are going meet
Is this a destiny or a fate?

We talk too much, always together
Share every feelings, care for one another
Hard to live alone, relationship very deep
Friendship, promised forever to keep.

Beautiful, slim, and a black beauty
Girl came sat next to me.
She was beautiful and looked interesting girl
May be ok, with her in love to fall

We dream of many thing
You and me happy living
One son and another daughter
Our house from town little farther

Tears are not falling
Inside I am not hurt
Sad emotions are not coming
Although in pieces you broke my heart

Gods place, paradise, heaven
It was just more than that
First time you kissed me, when
When your lips and mine had contact


I try to write about my feeling
Though for others they don't have meaning
First few lines I can write easily
But those last ending lines are silly

There won't be a long distance between us
No long journey transportation or any seas to cross

Only if I had superman's power

Its dark as the sun falls
Moon spark, me alone in my room
Lights out, candle glow n I trying to remember all
Ex- girlfriend whom I couldn't handle n we broke up

Naughty naughty little bro
Black as a black crow
Don't know where he would go
To read astha's poems, oh! No,

To give surprise we meet
In low voice as she said
'I m sorry, please forgive me'
She said sorry but why did she? ?

i didnt know, no1 told me
but recently while checking fb
found that today is ur bday
how could they? ?

Ur beauty is endearing
Ur face so charming
Ur black short hair
Small nose but big ear

Without me you would be crying
But when with me on my shoulder you'd be lying
For hours n hours either being silent
Or talking nonstop, without being frighten

That one night, dark but still clear
With full moon in the sky, where
A beautiful girl walking alone
Followed by men half drozen

Bell rang; he came in, in his same old
Thin sweater, torn up shoe, in this morning cold.
Opened the register, holding in his hand a pen
Took attendance by calling our name.

I m trying not to think of it
About what she called me, i don't care, ignore it
None of my business, I don't care
That she called me crazy n unreal

The Best Poem Of sushanta rokka


Yeah, ready to go with her there
Lets see how do I look, need to make my hair..
A man standing front of me facing me
Asking me, what do I really see

I said, "I see me, I m looking at mirror"
He said, "That's wrong, fault an error"
It's already late, I need to go, don't waste my time
he"No wait, don't go, I have to tell u sumthing if u don't mind

It's not the same what you see and what I see
I saw a heightless black boy, wid a dirty face,
Wid big belly, don't know how to wear dress,
Smokes, drinks, not rich and in exam he always fails
U r too bad boy, mentally child n bite his nails..

This is real you. Not perfect a bad boy.
She rejected you for 100 times n this is why.
U begged her so c came to meet you
She would never love you, u r not perfect, these aren't lie
Don't go, for your own sake leave her, just tell her bye.."

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